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قديم 06-19-2012, 03:48 PM
Smartalec Game Accelerator مسرع الالعاب الذكي

Smartalec Game Accelerator v6.3

البرنامج لضبط احسن وضع للكمبيوتر وكارت الشاشة ليتناسب مع اللعبة التي تريد لعبها ويزيد من سرعة كارت الشاشة لافضل خيار

Game Accelerator is a highly-developed, intelligent program that will assess your PC’s hardware and operating environment and optimize it to provide a faster, more stable gaming experience. Run your games at best possible performance by eliminating the performance and stability problems that make your games run slower than their full potential. This program is a must for anyone who currently demands optimal performance while gaming! Easy one-click menu options allow you to tailor your games to run faster based on your system hardware. The combination of optimisation techniques used by Game Accelerator helps to improve your gaming experience significantly, turning your computer into the ultimate gaming machine.
HyperSpeed Gaming Mode
Set your machine to HyperSpeed Gaming Mode – create a system environment with the sole purpose of gaming at full system potential.
HyperCool System Cooling
Enable HyperCool System Cooling to keep your system running cool while not affecting gaming performance.
Intelligent Memory Defragmentation
Watch your computer’s memory usage and intelligently free up your memory as well as remove garbage left by other applications in memory.
Silent Gaming System Tune-up
Tune your system thoroughly in the background for long-term optimal gaming performance.
Features of Game Accelerator:
1. HyperSpeed Gaming Mode
2. High-Performance Mode
3. Silent Gaming System Tune-up
4. Quick Speed Tune-up
5. Defragment Memory
6. Defragment Hard Disks
7. Diagnose DirectX System Configuration
8. System Monitor
9. HyperCool System Cooling
10. Intelligent Memory Defragmentation

Benefits of Game Accelerator:

1. Simple and easy to use
2. Full support for all the latest hardware technologies, such as the latest CPUs and graphics cards
3. Special game optimisation settings for over 1000 games including, Half-Life?2, Doom™ 3, World of Warcraft™, City of Heroes™, EverQuest™, Brothers in Arms™, Jedi Knight? Jedi Academy™, House of the Dead™ 3, and many more
4. Quick access to the game optimisation tools through the system tray icon
5. Slim system monitor taskbar
6. Improves speed and performance
7. Frees up memory to create a stable gaming environment
8. Maximises frame rates and screen resolution
9. Integrated laptop energy saving mode to keep your laptop running longer
10. Easy configuration to suit your PC system
11. Access to online program updates with Game Accelerator
One of the best game performance boosters out there

تعليمات تفعيل الكراك والرجاء تنفيذها بالترتيب كي تستطيع كسر البرنامج
Install notes:
1. Run setup.exe and install Game Accelerator.
2. Close Game Accelerator and delete "gamexl.exe"
and "gres.dat" files from it's directory.
3. Run update.exe and install Game Accelerator update.
4. Copy activator.exe to Game Accelerator's directory and activate.
اولا ثبت البرنامج
ثم اغلق البرنامج واحذف ملف التشغيل exe + ملف اسمة gres.dat
الان شغل ملف الابديت المرفق مع البرنامج ثم انقل الباتش الى ملف البرنامج واضغط علية واضغط على كلمة باتش بة

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