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قديم 07-05-2012, 03:35 AM
حصريا اخف نسخ الاكس بى Micro XP Pro 0.96

Micro XP Pro 0.96 New Edition

Install time/Feature:.....Fastest
Default Security:..........Best (Tweaks + Updates)
Iso Size:.....................202.5 MB
Ram Usage: .......... ....50 MB
Automatic: .................Setup & speed enhancements

Purpose: To make the retail version of XP Pro better.
-Faster install and speed
-Less memory and cpu usage
-Increased security via tweaks and updates
-Increased compatibility via updates
-Faster deployment; getting your system ready shouldn't take eons.
-Passes WGA
-No need to activate
-Pre-shipped with handy applications, tools and a few drivers for fast deployment
-Micro XP Pro 0.96 will not produce any more errors then the retail copy*
-Must be quality enough to fix a friend's computer and zero head aches

New in 0.96 Core: This is what I can recall

-Vast Security and Speed improvements across the board from boot, shutdown, general, internet etc..
-Cleaner Scripts
-More control on what to install
-Many Sata and USB 3.0 drivers have been integrated as well as some chipsets and wireless drivers.
-XP will now detect Sata Controllers on motherboards and Sata hard drives correspondingly.
-Administrator Account is "passworded", password being: DRIVERS
-This hints that mainly drivers, security and utility applications should be installed on that account, and that this account
should be password protected preferably with alphanumeric & symbolic characters.
-Implemented PowerUser account, account you should use for games, web browsing, documents etc.
-Cannot Remove DllCache which uses 300MB as it is protected by SFC.
-Removed less warranted or annoying apps, organised the rest into Utilities folder in Start Menu

Included Utilities for deployment
-.Net AIO shortcut for application dependencies
-Two AIO shortcuts for getting lots apps without lots of Effort/Time
-Double Driver
-Easy Duplicate Finder
-Jruler (does my resume line up?)
-Outlook Express
-Window Media Player 11

Supported Languages:

All included languages and language regions are supported except: Chinese, Japanese, Hebrew, Korean, Thai.
Those languages take too much space.
If your concern is international websites in one of said language, then befriend Google Chrome.

Size : 202.5 MB

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