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قديم 07-17-2012, 06:38 AM
حصريا افضل برامج الكتابه Corel WordPerfect Office X6

Corel WordPerfect Office X6

Corel® WordPerfect® Office X5 – Standard Edition is the essential office suite for word processing, spreadsheets, presentations and email. Chosen over Microsoft® Office by millions of longtime users, it integrates the latest productivity software with the best of the Web. Work faster and collaborate more efficiently with all-new Web services, new Microsoft® Office SharePoint® support, more PDF tools and even better compatibility with Microsoft Office. It's everything you expect in an office suite—for less.

Do more online and off with WordPerfect Office X5—productivity software that adapts to the way you work best. Connecting you with new technologies that help you work more collaboratively, it brings all your office tools and resources together. Classic word processing power and control. Reliable compatibility with more than 60 file formats, including Microsoft Office. New SharePoint Server support. A newly integrated email client and calendar. Plus, more of the PDF tools that set WordPerfect Office apart from every other office suite, including PDF annotation. It's the total productivity software package.

New and enhanced features:
- PDF tools – create, mark up and share PDFs right from the suite
- SharePoint Server – connect as a group to collaborate efficiently
- Web services – automatically update documents with data from the Web
- Integrated Thunderbird® email – manage email, contacts and appointments
- Digital notebook – take notes, and reuse text and graphics from any source
- Redesigned Help system – quickly find answers and resources
- Windows® 7 support – work with Microsoft's latest operating system

Do more file sharing
- Import and export the latest Microsoft® Office files, including OOXML
- Work with more than 60 file types, including ODF
- Publish to PDF to share documents with anyone
- Share files with the newly integrated email client

Do more with PDFs
- Import, edit and publish PDFs without extra software
- Annotate PDFs to easily collaborate with others
- Convert PDFs into text documents to reuse content
- Archive files for easy access with support for PDF/A

Do more with tools that adapt to you
- Customize menus, shortcuts and toolbars
- Switch to Microsoft Office Mode
- Collaborate with others using PDF, SharePoint or Web services
- Manage your email, contacts and schedule in one place

Do more in less time
- Find answers quickly with the revamped Help system
- Take control with tools like Reveal Codes and Make It Fit
- Look great fast with FREE templates
- Easily migrate macros, settings and templates


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