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قديم 07-21-2012, 07:20 PM
برنامج Nsasoft SpotAuditor 4.1.2 لكشف كلمات المرور المستخدمة في الإنترنت

Nsasoft SpotAuditor
هو حل شامل لاستعادة كلمات السر وغيرها من المعلومات الهامة للشركة المحفوظة في أجهزة الكمبيوتر
يسترد انترنت اكسبلور فاير فوكس اوبرا ملفات ماسنجر يسترد جميع كلمات السر المحفوضه في جهازك
يستعيد كلمات المرور المخزنة وراء العلامات النجمية (*****).

المميزات الرئيسية

- IE7-IE8-IE9 ( Internet Explorer 7, 8, 9 ) web and autocomplete passWord ReCovery
- IE6 ( Internet Explorer 6) and ActiveX passWord unCover and Remover
- Mozilla firefox cached passWords ReCovery
- opera Browser passWord ReCovery
- MSN Messenger 6.0 - 7.5 and Windows Live Messenger 8 passWord ReCovery
- Windows Messenger passWord retrieve
- Dialup, RAS and vpn passWord ReCovery ( administrator privileges required )
- Outlook Express and Microsoft Office Outlook passWords ReCovery
- ReCovers PassWords behind Asterisks (*****)
- RDP - Remote Desktop passWord decoder
- ICQ passWord finder
- Trillian passWord ReCovery
- Miranda IM passWord ReCovery
- Google Talk ( GTalk ) passWord ReCovery
- Google Desktop passWord ReCovery
- Camfrog Video Chat and Easy Web Cam passWord ReCovery
- VNC 4.xxx passWord ReCovery
- WinProxy Administrator passWord retriever
- Total Commander ( Windows Commander ) passWord ReCovery
- CoffeeCup Direct FTP passWord ReCovery
- IpSwitch Messenger, IpSwitch Messenger, IM Server, IMail Server, WS_FTP passWord ReCovery
- SmartFTP 3.x passWord ReCovery
- cuteftp passWord reveal
- FlashFXP ftp passWord unhider
- FileZilla multiple FTP accounts and Proxy Server passwort ReCovery from Registry and FileZilla.XML
- FTP NAVIgator passWord DisCovery
- 32bit FTP passWord ReCovery
- Webdrive FTP passWord revealer
- FTP Control passWord seeker
- DeluxeFtp passWord locator
- AutoFTP passWord ReCovery
- FTP Voyager passWord ReCovery
- SecureFX ftp client passWord ReCovery
- Far ftp client passWord Viewer
- Ftp Now passWord finder
- Core FTP passWords retriever
- FFFTP passWords ReCovery
- internet download manager passWord ReCovery
- &RQ icq client passWord searcher and decrypter
- Internet Explorer cache manager
- Internet Explorer Content Advisor passWord changer and Remover
- Internet Explorer ******s, History and Internet Files Cleaner

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