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قديم 07-27-2012, 04:39 AM
البرنامج الرئع عملاق التحويل الشهير

حصريا وعلي اكثر من سرفر البرنامج الرئع عملاق التحويل الشهير
Format Factory 2.96


هو أفض البرامج على الاطلاق فى تحويل الفيديوهات بصيغاتها المختلفة دون التقليل من جودة الفيديو وانا انصحكم به فى تحويل فيديوهاتكم Format Factory برنامج
Format Factory is a multifunctional media converter. Format Factory is a free, excellent conversion tool for anyone who converts between video, audio and images on a regular basis. Format Factory supports the most popular video formats (MP4, 3GP, WMV, AVI, MPG, FLV, SWF), audio formats (AMR, MP3, WMA, AAC, AC3, WAV, OGG), image formats (JPG, PNG, GIF, BMP, TIF, ICO, TFA) and many more. It also supports media formats used by most major portable devices, including PSP, Blackberry, iPad, iPod and iPhone. The software is easy to use and has a slightly unintuitive interface. You can select individual files to convert, or complete folders, and also tweak some basic conversion settings. Format Factory file browser appears after you select the target format. Included Picture converter supports Zoom, Rotate, Flip, tags.

The software can rip DVD to video file, rip Music CD to audio file. It also supports RMVB, Watermark, AV Mux. Format Factory includes Audio Joiner, which allows you to take two separate clips, join them together and then convert them.

Format Factory’s Feature:
1. Support converting all popular video, audio, picture formats to others.
2. Repair damaged video and audio file.
3. Reducing Multimedia file size.
4. Support iPhone, iPod multimedia file formats.
5. Picture converting supports Zoom, Rotate/Flip ,tags.
6. DVD Ripper.
7. Supports 60 languages

Changes in FormatFactory 2.95:
- Default option doesn’t use multi-Threads to convert.
- Fixed the problem of stopping task in Multi-Threads mode.
- Fixed the problem of adding a large number of files.
- Fixed the problem of Animation GIF convert to GIF.
- Support XV Video files.





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