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قديم 08-11-2012, 03:02 PM
Subject of your message.عملاق تشغيل المالتيميديا عالية الجودة CyberLink PowerDVD Ultra 12.0.1905.56

CENTER] CyberLink PowerDVD Ultra 12.0.1905.56

البرنامج الأقوى والأول والأفضل عالمياً لقراءة أقراص الـ DVD وقراءة الملفات المحفوظة على الجهاز ، برنامج مميز بالفعل يتميز بأدوات تمكنك من سهولة التنقل بين الفيديوهات والأفلام من خلال قائمة التشغيل والانتظار

PowerDVD is the ultimate universal media player that extends your viewing experience beyond justPlay Blu-ray discs, DVDs, video files, music, and now you can even view photos, all from one universal player. Connect your digital devices and PC with new apps for your iPhone, iPad and Android devices that let you control PowerDVD remotely. Stream ******* from your smart device, DLNA server or cloud to your PC and let TrueTheater technology upgrade your digital media experience. Play Any Media ??ô movies, videos, photos & music - Ultimate Blu-ray player and Blu-ray 3D movie experience with support for CPU/GPU hardware acceleration for superb playback quality. - Ultra-fast Instant Seek to search for the movie scene you want to watch on your DVDs. - Vast Video format support lets you play almost every video file, including MKV (H.264), FLV (H.264), WTV, 3GP and 3G2 files. - Play Photos in Slideshows. You can enjoy photos stored on your PC, smart device or DLNA server, or from Facebook and Flickr. - Best Music Player that organizes and plays your music collection from your Windows 7 music library. Upgrade Your Media Experience with TrueTheater?« - Enhance Quality of ALL Your Media. Whether it???s a video on your PC, from your network devices or from Youtube, PowerDVD 11 upscales to HD??ôlike quality for ultimate enjoyment. - Play 2D ******* in 3D. Apply Truetheater 3D to your DVDs, videos and photos. Relive your ******* with realism and depth. - Perfect home videos. Stabilize shaky videos, remove noise and enhance brightness and details, PowerDVD 11 makes your videos look great. Enjoy PowerDVD with Your Smart Devices - New smart device app, PowerDVD Remote*, offers even more ways for you to enjoy your digital entertainment. - Turn smart devices to Remote Control for your PowerDVD 11 Blu-ray player, DVD movies, videos, music and photos with a tap of your finger. - Play Media from Devices to PowerDVD. With PowerDVD Remote you can easily watch and save all of your media from phone to PC wirelessly through the home network. - Support for Apple & Android Devices. Supports the Apple iPhone, iPad and iPod Touch, along with Android-based phones and tablets.


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