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تحميل العاب اكس بوكس بلاستيشن XBOX360 & PS3 playstation بلاي استيشن دريم كاست نتندو64 جيم كيوب القسم يهتم بالالعاب الالكترونية ألعاب كاملة و نادرة واخبارها وحلول حل حلولها (سوني - اكس بوكس -جيم كيوب - والكثير من مشغلات الالعاب), ممنوع طلب او وضع كراكات, سيريل نمبر, مولد ارقام, كيجن. مغلق للصيانه

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قديم 08-13-2012, 04:20 AM
لعبة المغامرات والاكشن ثلاثية الابعاد Trine 2

لعبة المغامرات والاكشن ثلاثية الابعاد Trine 2

Trine 2 v1.15 Multilingual MacOSX Retail-CORE
Year: 2011 | MacOSX | Developer: Frozenbyte | Publisher: Atlus | 1.33 GB
Languages: Czech, English, Finnish, French, German, Hungarian, Italian, Polish, Russian, Spanish
Genre: Indie, Adventure, Action / 3D

In a kingdom facing chaos and forbidden magic, three heroes are bound (whether they like it or not) by a powerful artifact called “the Trine”. This unlikely trio are the only ones that can put an end to the reign of the dark sorcerer that rules the kingdom. Pontius the brave, Amadeus the magnificent and Zoya the silent will have come to together and use their different skills in order to face danger and restore peace.


Combines traditional 2D platformer gameplay with stunning full 3D graphics
Control all three heroes taking advantage of their individual strengths, weapons, and skills as they travel across a brand new fantasy world in this immersive platformer
Avoid deadly traps while using each character?s special abilities to navigate challenging puzzles that all have multiple solutions
Search for powerful items and weapons that will make your heroes stronger Increase your characters skills and attributes as you gain experience
4 difficulty levels from easy to very hard for the expert player. Up to 3 player co-op campaign on the same screen

What’s New in Version 1.15

Cross platform multiplayer

متطلبات التشغيل
erating System: XP, Vista, 7
Processor: Pentium - 2,0 GHz
RAM: 1024 MB
Free hard disk space: 1621 MB
Video Card: Radeon HD 2400 or GeForce 7600, (Shader Model 3.0)
File System: FAT, NTFS
Important: Before installing disable Anti-Virus and Firewall

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