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قديم 08-15-2012, 05:09 PM
برنامج الآلة الحاسبة Calculator LCD v2.02

برنامج Calculator LCD v2.02

Calculator LCD v2.02.IPA

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Requirements: Compatible with iPhone, ipod touch, and iPad. Requires iOS 4.0 or later
Overview: This is what a calculator should be. With big, visible plus and equal sign, immediate startup, with warm soothing backlight. It has all the functions of a classic calculator.
Huge buttons prevent errors, make your work easier and precise. The digits on the screen are clearly displayed as you are accustomed to. Your working calculator will always be near you - right on your iPad

Calculator LCD v2.02

.: و أرجو أن أرى رأيكم في ردودكم :.
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.: و الى اللقــــــــــاء :.

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