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قديم 08-29-2012, 11:42 PM
!퇇 ღ.¸¸.شفق الحظ.¸¸.ღ

السلام عليكم و رحمه الله و بركاتة

هذه هى مدونتى اتمنى ان تعجبكم...من يعلم...

قد تجدون اننا متشابهون...!


To you who gave all to me, will you believe me once again?

التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة ايمالورايا ; 08-30-2012 الساعة 11:29 PM
رد مع اقتباس
قديم 08-30-2012, 01:25 AM
Blue Bird

You said if you could fly
you would leave all this behind you
and soar off to the sky
so blue so blue that sky so blue
the sadness and pain that you've learn me to feel
are holding me tight
my prayers echo through night
if only i could tell these feeling to you with my words
but they shock me down so much it hurts..!
as you awake from your dreamy state into this world
so cruel and cold
you want to spread your wings and take off for a flight


if there's a place for us
you would be sure to take me with you
we'll soar off to the skies
so blue so blue that sky so blue
so blue so blue that sky so blue
so blue so blue that sky so blue


with that sound that went through me as you opened your eyes
the rusted old window broke
and we could see through the smoke
you're being sick of the cage that surrounds us
and prisons us tightly into the ground what you see in this reality
it makes you feel
so lonely
you break the cage and spread your wings in to a flight


you said if you could run
you would find everything you needed
you're breaking chasing it so blue so blue that sky so blue
you are finally falling down from your haven up above
but still you fight to reach to the light
and fall again
for a new flight

if there's a place for us
you would be sure to take me with you
we'd never come back down from the sky
so blue so blue that sky so blue
so blue so blue that sky so blue
Only you only you only with you.


To you who gave all to me, will you believe me once again?

التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة ايمالورايا ; 08-30-2012 الساعة 05:41 AM
رد مع اقتباس
قديم 08-30-2012, 01:48 AM
I Will Always Put A Smile On My Face So No One Will Ever Know How Much Pain Is In My Heart .

ساضع ابتسامة على وجهى...حتى لا يعرف احد كمية الألم فى قلبى...


To you who gave all to me, will you believe me once again?

رد مع اقتباس
قديم 08-30-2012, 02:21 AM
حالتنا جميعا ايام رمضان ههههههههههه


To you who gave all to me, will you believe me once again?

رد مع اقتباس
قديم 08-30-2012, 02:26 AM
مَآ أجْمَل أنْ تَضِربَ شَخْصآ أنَتْ مُش طَااايِقْه

عَ أسَآْس ْإِنِك َبتِمَزح مَعْاه xD !! ههههههههههههههه‬


To you who gave all to me, will you believe me once again?

رد مع اقتباس
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الساعة الآن 09:42 PM.

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