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قديم 09-12-2012, 04:29 AM
لعبة التسلية الممتعة Growlanser Wayfarer of Time

لعبة التسلية الممتعة Growlanser Wayfarer of Time

Growlanser Wayfarer of Time - m33 Patched 2012
Language: ENG | Platform: PSP | Developer: Career Soft | Year : July 31, 2012
size : 869.70 MB
Genre: RPG

Wayfarer of Time features an isometric perspective and a "traditional RPG" style exploration in towns, dungeons and world map that are very similar to the original Growlanser. Enemies can be seen on the world map and they can be avoided. Each dungeon has a unique, fixed layout (with the exception of the "bonus dungeon", which is randomly generated).
The equipment system is markedly different from most RPGs. Characters can equip two pieces of armor, one being a "Ring Weapon". In the Growlanser series, a Ring Weapon is a new technology where magic rings transform into different weapons depending on the user's personality. Players find these rings often after the defeat of an enemy and can equip different rings for different stat bonuses and different gem-equip slots. There are over 100 types of gems that cause various beneficial effects such as adding extra attacks, more elemental defenses, or increasing range or adding spells to the character's repertoire. These gems all have an innate level and that level must match or be lower than the slot available in the Ring weapon to be equipped. Each Ring Weapon only has 3 gem-slots with a level of 0-9 for each slot to equip the respective level gems. Additionally, a gem's color must match the color of a ring slot.
There are 11 potential playable characters, but there is a four member party limit in battles. The fate system allow players to save some characters from death based on their decisions and ultimately unlock some additional endings.

Additional Game Info:
*Wayfarer of Time tells of a land-once rich with culture and technology - long ago nearly wiped out by evanescent divine beings.
*New characters, scenarios, and events are complemented by a host of visual and technical improvements, dramatically improved loading times, and a message skip option that lets players rapidly advance the story.
*Players can spend time getting to know the characters in their party, even going on a vacation with them apart from the game's main quest.

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