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قديم 09-14-2012, 02:58 AM
Adobe Photoshop Elements v10.0 3xDVD + Retail

Adobe Photoshop Elements 10 - is a specialized software that will help you make your ordinary photos fotomasterstva real masterpieces, many examples of which can be found on Cwer.ws and that you, your friends and family will admire forever. The automated features of the program make it easy to edit and create, display photos on social networks to find and view all your photos. During its existence, the program has collected numerous awards, confirming its high prestige and opportunities.

Adobe Photoshop Elements 10 — is Adobe's photo-editing software for amateur photographers, digital imaging enthusiasts, and small business users. As the name implies, Photoshop Elements is built around core elements of Adobe Photoshop, excluding some advanced, professional-level features and adding unique features for photo-hobbyists. It includes a fully featured photo editor, photo organizer, project templates, artwork and themes, and sharing options.

System Requirements :

- 1.6GHz or faster processor (Including single-core Support);
- Microsoft ® Windows ® XP with Service Pack 3, Windows Vista ®, or Windows 7;
- 1GB of RAM (2GB for HD video Functions);
- 4GB of available hard-Disk space (Additional space required DURING Free Installation);
- Color monitor with 16-bit Color video Card;
- Resolution 1024x576 display;
- Microsoft DirectX 9 compatible display Driver;
- DVD-ROM Drive;
- Internet connection required for Internet-based services *

Features :

"Creating the optimal exposure. Want to hit the photo captured all the details of the plot, including light and dark areas? Perform one shot with flash and one without, and the function of exposition Photomerge ® combines these images into a single, perfectly lit photo,
"resize images without distortion. Do you want to change the size or location of the photograph, to put it in a certain frame? Now you can quickly resize images and even change the page orientation without distorting the main elements of these images: people and buildings,
"Convenient centralized management of all abilities. Convenient organizer allows you to combine photos and videos and plays the role of the control center for all the footage. Now you can easily find, view and manage their media data, and use the full range of possibilities for their creative process,
"Quickly find your best photos. Now you do not need to open hundreds of shots to choose the best. Take advantage of the automatic analyzer, which automatically mark up your footage to a ymogli find the most interesting and high-quality photos and videos,
"Instant search of photographs of the right people. Thanks to the recognition of personalities, automatically identify people in the pictures, you can quickly find photos and videos, which show your friends or relatives.
"zoom. Thanks to the full-screen preview in the organizer, you can quickly view and evaluate the photos and videos, and now in this mode you can also edit images,
"Elimination of defects and the creation of these masterpieces in seconds. Photo effects make the photographs teeth whiter, the sky - bright blue. And now, when the following one-step set of photos, including the adjustment of light, contrast and brightness, you can quickly choose the best score of the group preview,
"gives a sense of freshness to their images. Experiment with new design elements and templates to give a new look to their pictures printed out,
"Take advantage of support for Windows 7. Take advantage of the new platform, Windows ® 7 and the practical possibilities of technology Windows Touch.

Key Features :

"The organization. Quickly find and view photos and video clips in one convenient control center media content,
"Put all your photos and video clips. A quick search of the necessary shots. View photos convenient for you,
"Edit. Use simple but effective editing tools to ensure a perfect appearance of your images
"eliminate any defects in seconds. Simple to complex editing tasks. Art processing of photos. "Creating expressive collages. The introduction of text and graphics. Advantages of the technology Adobe Photoshop.
"Create. Create custom prints, including photo albums, albums with newspaper clippings, postcards and calendars, and customize them to your liking. Opportunities for creativity. Create and print at home.
"Sharing. You can instantly post photos to online Facebook †, on his personal page and elsewhere, to show them to your friends and relatives. Easy creation of projects and providing them shared on the network. Sharing photos from one convenient point.

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