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قديم 10-12-2012, 08:31 PM
عملاق عرض وتعديل الصور ACDSee Pro 5.2.157 2013

ACDSee Pro 5.2.157 2013

برنامج رائع في عرض الصور حيث انه يدعم اكثر من 100 فورمات
لامتدادات الصور فهو يعتبر العملاق علي الاطلاق

ACDSee Pro 5.2.157 (2012) [MULTi] Category: Software> Windows - Photo Editing Language: Multilingual Size: 70 MB Interface Language: Multilingual Platform: Windows XP This Medicine Tablet: PresenteACDSee
Pro - professional program for working with digital photos,
which has more features designed for professional photographers. Supports more than 100 graphic file formats,
lets you work
with RAW-image, automatically sort photos by parameters obtained
from digital cameras, provides an effective way to add tags to images,
and rapid batch processing of large quantities of pictures,
including the RAW format.
There are also tools for independent regulation of the color channels,
patch photos of
artifacts that appear due to errors in optics, adding "watermarks " to
work with IPTC metadata, you can backup image collections in ZIP files
recorded on CD or DVD and much more.The product allows you to
view, edit, organize and publish catalogs of photos.
Files In addition, support and processing RAW tools
are powerful, such as custom folders and categories,
quick editing features, visual markings and color
management support ICC and ICM profiles to meet all needs
of professional users. The product helps to simplify the processing
of digital images from beginning to fin.Caracter?sticas main

OS: Windows 8, 7, Vista, 2003, XP, 2000, 98, Me, NT

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آخر اصدار عملاق معالج الصور|| ACDSee Pro 3.0.386|| МŘ. ali afandi أرشيف المواضيع الغير مكتمله او المكرره او المنقوله و المخالفه 35 01-23-2014 11:18 AM

الساعة الآن 05:29 AM.

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