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قديم 10-17-2012, 11:58 PM
Granny Smith v1.1.0 Apk

اسم اللعبة الجدة سميث
Granny Smith v1.1.0 Apk

غلاف اللعبة

معلوماتي عن اللعبة ,,, الجدة هنا تقوم بدورها بملاحقة اللص الذي سرق تفاحتها
اللعبة صراحة نزلتها على سامسونج اس 3 وجميلة جدا وممتعة انصح الكل بتحميلها

معلومات عن اللعبة

Game Review:

From the makers of Sprinkle!

Granny Smith loves her apples, but a bewheeled thief is stealing from her precious garden! Help Mrs. Smith as she swiftly skates through farmland and cityscapes, crashing through everything from barns to offices in the pursuit of fruit. Get to the apples before the thief does!

Granny Smith is a fast-paced racing platformer filled with spectacular crashes and amazing stunts. Jump, glide, swing and smash your way through 36 hand-crafted levels in three distinct settings. Just be sure to land on your feet!


* Spectacular physics – Granny Smith uses some of the most advanced destruction physics in mobile games. Crash through crates and windows and watch the pieces fly all over!

* Dazzling visuals – Zoom through dozens of vibrant, whimsical worlds! Each level is like a fanciful, three-dimensional storybook.


* Intuitive controls – Help Granny pull off crazy moves with simple two-button controls – perfect for both tablets and phones.

* Vintage replays – Watch your best runs in retro movie style with cool camera angles and slow-motion effects!

* Power Granny up – Collect coins and equip Granny with a helmet, banana peels and baseballs. If Granny is getting old, you have two alternative characters to play with – Scruffy and Stanley!

* Additional breakable objects, grass, flowers and dust particles on NVIDIA Tegra 3 devices.

With the apple thief on the loose, Granny is going to need some help. Hop to it!

فيديو جميل عن اللعبة

حجم اللعبة مضغوطة
Granny Smith v1.1.0 Apk| 18 MB |

متطلبات اللعبة
Requires Android:2.3 and up

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قديم 10-21-2012, 12:44 AM

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Granny flew home in late August tens of thousands hUDssFdss أرشيف المواضيع الغير مكتمله او المكرره او المنقوله و المخالفه 0 03-05-2011 02:42 PM

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