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قديم 10-24-2012, 02:41 AM
لعبة راكبوا الدبابات Tank Riders v1.0.3

Tank Riders v1.0.3 Apk + SD data

Tank Riders v1.0.3 Apk | 76 MB |
Requires Android:1.6 and up

Game Review:

WANTED: Able-bodied recruits to fill a number of sudden… vacancies in the 153rd tiny tank battalion. Only the finest, bravest and buffest need apply. In return, we offer all the honour and glory you can eat, and a tiny, little tank of your very own.

Join the fray in Tank Riders, a 3D tank battle game, which combines vibrant, colourful graphics, fast-paced action and exploration to create a package that will charm everyone – from hard core gamers to wet-eared newbies.

Attack hordes of oncoming baddies with an arsenal of cannons, missiles and mortars!
Bounce shots off walls to hit lurking enemies before they have a chance to attack!
Blast through walls and charge ahead, or find hidden paths to sneak up on enemies unawares!

A challenging single-player campaign, downloadable levels and the ability to face off against friends and foes in frenzied multiplayer battles ensures an experience that will stay fresh and fun for a long time!

How To Install

Install APK
Copy ‘com.polarbit.tankriders’ folder to ‘sdcard/Android/obb’
Launch the Game

Part 1 : http://bit.ly/QDOk0R

Part 2 : http://bit.ly/RTGC1y


Part 1 : http://bit.ly/RTGGOZ

Part 2 : http://bit.ly/RTGMGj

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