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قديم 11-10-2012, 03:25 AM
دفاع المحيط الهادي من القنابل iBomber Defense Pacific v1.0.1

iBomber Defense Pacific v1.0.1 Apk

iBomber Defense Pacific v1.0.1 Apk | 1.1 MB |
Requires Android:2.2 and up

Game Review:
Get ready to take the battle to the enemy and win the war!
iBomber Defense Pacific is the latest game in the hugely successful iBomber series. Moveout to the Pacific as you fight a whole new enemy in an effort to secure territory on the Pacific Rim.

iBomber Defense Pacific takes tower defense to a whole new level. Feel like you’re right there and part of the incredible action as you use the new deep strategy options to protect your base. Building on the success of its predecessors, iBomber Defense Pacific has all-new tactics, all-new strategies, all-new maps, all-new weapons, and all-new enemies.

With so much to play for in iBomber Defense Pacific, you’ll never be bored. Whether it’s placing turrets, analysing the enemy attack options, perfecting your strategy, looking for hidden targets, bombing the enemy from above, repairing units, or destroying an enemy outpost you’ll always have something to do.

Tower defense has never looked so good. Luscious jungle greens, incredible water effects, jaw-dropping explosions, intricately designed vehicles and turrets come together to make on of the best looking strategy games in years. Get some earphones on and become immersed in the battle with amazing warzone sound effects.


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قديم 11-16-2012, 08:50 AM
قديم 12-25-2012, 03:26 AM

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