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قديم 12-01-2012, 01:22 PM
أسطوانة صيانة الويندوز Windows 7 System Recovery Disc ISO X86-X64 تحديث جديد

أسطوانة صيانة الويندوز Windows 7 System Recovery Disc ISO X86-X64 تحديث جديد

Windows 7 System Recovery Disc ISO (X86-X64

اسطوانة هامة لمستخدمي Windows 7 لصيانة الويندوز عند حدوث اي مشكلة
تستطيع استخدامها لاستعادة النظام وايضا لاصلاحه في حال حدوث اي مشكلة
وهذه الاسطوانة تسمى مركز الانقاذ والطوارئ للويندوز
في كل الاحوال لا غني عنها لمستخدمي السفن


What if your Windows 7 becomes corrupt and fails to boot? Most laptops and PCs today come with Windows pre-installed and the manufacturers sometimes don’t include Windows installation disc.This is where Recovery Disk come into play. It is recommended that users create a recovery disk as soon as possible and keep it in a safe location. In case your Windows 7 fails to boot, the recovery disk can help fix the problem.

installed, it’s also the only way of recovering a borked installation. The Windows 7 DVD has a complete “recovery center” that provides you with the option of recovering your system via automated recovery (searches for problems and attempts to fix them automatically), rolling-back to a system restore point, recovering a full PC backup, or accessing a command-line recovery console for advanced recovery purposes.

Thankfully, Microsoft seems to have realized this problem, and have thankfully made a recovery disc for this purpose. It contains the contents of the Windows 7 DVD’s “recovery center,” as we’ve come to refer to it. It cannot be used to install or reinstall Windows 7, and just serves as a Windows PE interface to recovering your PC. Technically, one could re-create this installation media with freely-downloadable media from Microsoft (namely the Microsoft WAIK kit, a multi-gigabyte download); but it’s damn-decent of Microsoft to make this available to Windows’ users who might not be capable of creating such a thing on their own. You can make your own copy from Windows 7 Ultimate Edition, but now you have an easier alternative.

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