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قديم 12-26-2012, 07:29 PM
برنامج Gilisoft Full Disk Encryption v3.0 على سيرفرات متعدده

برنامج Gilisoft Full Disk Encryption v3.0 على سيرفرات متعدده

Release info

GiliSoft Full Disk Encryption software that encrypts the hard drive partitions are made. Through the encryption on a disk partition or operating system components, you can read and write data to disk or illegal activities off the computer and access the drive and files certain limit. This software can automatic security for all information on your hard drive, including user data, operating system files, temporary files and deleted files, provide.
these powerful encryption software using the new technology with complete security features for the hard drives and flash drives, the best security software available. Another important feature of GiliSoft Full Disk Encryption can be cited to support USB flash and hard drives so you lose the information they access.
Features Full Disk Encryption software:
- Hard disk encryption: automatic encryption of all data on a drive, including user data, operating system files and temporary and erased files GiliSoft Full Disk Encryption is the most important feature.
- Diploma ( authentication) before launch: this way you can make sure that only authorized users can have access to the information.
- Support for disk encryption USB: The primary function of GiliSoft Full Disk Encryption software encryption on Hard drives and flash memory is.
- User-friendly interface and simple: To use this software you do not need any special skills or expertise. GiliSoft Full Disk Encryption can end up simply, safely, and to provide information to your hard drive and protect your privacy by keeping information from unauthorized access, not secure.

credit goes to BRD for the key (Thanks)

All cracking groups and ppl working hard
who bring quality releases, friends,
supporters & all reverse engineering
related boards!

SND, RES, s0m, CiN1, AHTeam, LZ0, trsh
tonyweb, loki, Diver, DonDD and
all other talented groups out there.
if you like it, u MUST buy it, Software Authors deserve support!.

1.Run setup file & install
2.Run from desktop shortcut
3.Activate the program using the key.

Screen Shot:



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