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قديم 01-15-2013, 04:25 PM
برنامج حماية الفولدرات بباسورد GiliSoft File Lock Pro 6.6 أحدث إصدار كامل

برنامج حماية الفولدرات بباسورد GiliSoft File Lock Pro 6.6 أحدث إصدار كامل
GiliSoft File Lock Pro 6.6 + Keygen

برنامج رائع يمكنك من خلالة حماية ملفاتك الخاصة بباسورد قوي لا يمكن إختراقة علي الإطلاق ، بواسطة هذا البرنامج تستطيع حماية الملفات والمجلدات الهامة أو حتى أقسام القرص الصلب فلا يستطيع أحد الوصول إليها إلا بوضع كلمة المرور الصحيحة .

GiliSoft File Lock Pro is a power file encryption software program that can quickly and safely lock and hide files, folder,and drives,and it can use 256-bit AES encryption (Encryption Standard Adopted by the US Government) to protect your files located on HDD drive or any portable media such as USB drives.

Features and Benefits:

• Hide Data :
GiliSoft File Lock Pro can hide your private files folders and drives, to make them completely invisible to users and programs.

• Lock Data :
The locked files/folders/drives are protected from accessing, users can not open, read, modify, move, delete, copy, rename the protected files/folders without password. Files and sub-folders in a locked folder are also protected.

•Encrypt Data :
It can encrypt files and folders of any type.

•Portable Encryption :
It packs and encrypts a folder into an executable (.exe file) with AES encryption algorithm. You can encrypt important data by this method, and then send it over the network or by other means to be used on a machine without Gili File Lock Pro.

• Safe Delete :
GiliSoft File Lock Pro allows you to completely remove sensitive data from your hard drive by overwriting it several times with carefully selected patterns.No one can recover deleted data from your disk if you secure delete it.

• Password Protected:
GiliSoft File Lock Pro is a password-locked software,that is to say,there’s no other way to run or unstall it if you have not the password.

• Hardware Compatible
Fully support Intel® Pentium D Dual-Core Processor and AMD Athlon™ 64X2 Dual-CoreProcessor

Home Page – http://www.gilisoft.com/product-file-lock-pro.htm
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