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قديم 01-21-2013, 03:18 PM
برنامج استعاده الملفات بعد الفورمات Active File Recovery Professional 10.0.6

Active File Recovery Professional 10.0.6

برنامج استعاده الملفات المحذوفه والمزود بتقنيه البحث التكنولوجي
في اجزاء الفولدر او البارتيشن والتي تسمح بالحصول الفوري والامثل علي الملفات
المحذوفه كما يتجنب اتلاف الملفات بعد الحصول عليها

Active file recovery for Windows is an effective data recovery software tool. New version is powered by Active@ DiskScan technology to recover files that have been accidentally deleted, formatted or otherwise lost. Active@ File Recovery can recover files from all types of flash media that have been lost due to system or battery failure, format or deletion and corruption caused by hardware or software malfunction.

Active File Recovery is a powerful software utility, designed to restore accidentally files and directories, that have been lost or deleted from your Windows system. Using Active File Recovery for Windows you will be able to recover lost or deleted files. The utility scans computer hard drives in minutes and displays all files which can be recovered. It allows you to recover files that have been deleted from the Recycle Bin, as well as those deleted after avoiding the Recycle Bin (e.g. Shift-Delete) and allows you to recover data after formatting or loss of partitions. Active@ File Recovery will also undelete files that have been lost by damage, virus or directory destruction.

Supports FAT12, FAT16, FAT32, NTFS, NTFS5, NTFS+EFS file systems
Designed for Windows 98 / ME / NT / 2000 / XP / XP professional x64/ XP Home x64 / 2003 Server x64 / Vista
Supports IDE / ATA / SCSI drives
Supports all types of Flash Memory Cards
Supports advanced search of deleted files
Supports localized and long filenames
Supports compressed, encrypted and fragmented files on NTFS

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