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قديم 01-21-2013, 04:57 PM
برنامج تحميل الفيديو بسرعة مضاعفة YTD Video Downloader Pro v3.9.6 كامل

YTD Video Downloader Pro v3.9.6 (20121227) + Patch

برنامج مميز يمكنك من خلالة تحميل الفيديوهات من مواقع المشاهدة بسرعة عالية جدا و كذلك يمكنك التحكم في صيغة و جودة الملف قبل تحميلة .

YTD Video Downloader is a practical tool that allows you to save video clips from the Internet in order to watch them on your computer. If you do not have a permanent Internet connection and want to save some video for repeated use, this program can be a useful solution.

Get High Definition Video
Download High-Def (HD) 1080P videos from YouTube and all other major video streaming sites with YouTube Downloader. Watching HD YouTube videos from your laptop or mobile device with our YouTube converter has never been easier!

Download and Watch Later
Never worry about missing a video, or having to watch YouTube clips on their time. With YouTube Downloader, you can save videos. Our software acts as a YouTube converter as well, and lets you convert YouTube videos easily, viewing them at any time you want!

Converter Works with Most Formats
YouTube Downloader’s unique software downloads content from all the major video streaming sites, not only YouTube. It also acts as a YouTube Converter, where you can convert your movie files into any number of formats, including YouTube to MP3, MP4, 3GP, MPEG and even YouTube to AVI.

Watch on Other Devices
When you download YouTube videos using our free YouTube Downloader, it doesn’t mean you have to watch them on one device. YouTube Downloader is a video converter that turns files into playable, portable video formats – so you can convert YouTube to iPod, iPhone, PSP and even YouTube to iTunes.

It’s Fast and Easy to Use
The YouTube Downloader interface is intuitive and easy to use. Users simply copy and paste a video URL, then click the Download button.

Video Player Integrated
Our free YouTube Converter will also save files onto its extensive database, allowing you to build a player to categorize and sort your favorite videos, just like you would using iTunes!

Home Page: www.youtubedownloadersite.com

حجم البرنامج [5] ميجا بايت

YTD Video Downloader Pro v3.9.6 (20121227) + Patch.rar - 4.6 MB

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