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قديم 02-03-2013, 09:59 PM
برنامج cFosSpeed 8.03 Build 2017 Beta لتسريع إتصال الإنترنت أحدث إصدار كامل

cFosSpeed 8.03 Build 2017 Beta + Registeration

يستخدم البرنامج تقنية فريدة من نوعها لتسريع الإنترنت حيث أنه يصنع بروتكول خاص به لتسريع الإنترنت وهو لا يسرع الانترنت فقط بل يسرع أيضاً جميع البرامج المتعلقة باللإنترنت مثل برامج التحميل وبرامج التورنت وغيرها .


cFosSpeed is an Internet Accelerator with Traffic Shaping and bandwidth management. It increases your throughput and reduces your Ping. Whenever you access the Internet with more than one data stream cFosSpeed can optimize the traffic. The program attaches itself as a device driver to the Windows network stack where it can then perform packet inspection and layer-7 protocol analysis. Ping optimizer plus packet prioritization. Traffic Shaping is a method for optimizing the Internet traffic. It allows maximum speed while ensuring minimal Ping. Outgoing traffic is not sent out indiscriminately. Instead, data packets are first queued and then sent out in order of their priority. This way, data that is needed immediately is transmitted before less time-critical data. cFosSpeed also reduces network congestion for downloads by lowering the TCP window size to keep the sender from sending too much data at once.

In addition, cFosSpeed contains a packet filter firewall, time and volume online budgets, a skinnable transfer monitor and several other special purpose features. It has a filter language that allows experts to write their own traffic classifications.

• Improve your Ping for online games
• Keep your internet fast during heavy upload/download
• NEW: Improve mobile Internet
• Reduce audio/video streaming problems
• Improve VoIP speech quality

cFosSpeed supports a wide variety of connections, like DSL, ADSL, VDSL, Cable, Modem, ISDN, Mobile (GSM, GPRS, HSCSD, UMTS, HSDPA), File sharing (P2P), Online Games, VoIP, Streaming Media, and Tuning. You can use cFosSpeed with a router and/or a DSL-modem or cable-modem. With cFosSpeed improve your Ping for online games, keep your internet fast during heavy upload or download, improve mobile Internet, improve VoIP speech quality, and reduce audio/video streaming problems.

• cFosSpeed prevents one application (e.g. sending email) from choking all others, like telephone calls, chat, etc.
• cFosSpeed keeps your ping times low, so you can play online games and download files simultaneously.
• All important data packets are automatically prioritized over unimportant ones. With the cFosSpeed program and protocol prioritization you can configure your applications ideally and/or add new Programs.
• Real-time analysis of your data: With the new status window you can easily recognize which data streams you are currently transfering.
• cFosSpeed runs with DSL, Cable, WLAN, CDMA2000, UMTS, WCDMA, Modem, ISDN, broadband mobile (2G / 3G).
• Here a detailed explanation of cFosSpeed’s Traffic Shaping.

Home Page : http://www.cfos.de/fr/cfosspeed/cfosspeed.htm

حجم البرنامج [5] ميجا بايت
cFosSpeed 8.03 Build 2017 Beta.rar - 4.5 MB
cFosSpeed 8.03 Build 2017 Beta.rar - 4.5 MB

مع البرنامج [كراك] التفعيل


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