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قديم 02-08-2013, 08:49 AM
نسخة برنامج Nero 12 Platinum 12.0.02900 الآصلية ملك آلنسخ وآلحرق بطرح

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آلنسخة الآصلية من ملك آلنسخ وآلحرق آلاول

Nero 12 Platinum 12.0.02900

معلومات عن البرنامج

اقدم لكم اخوانى الاعزاء البرنامج الرائع جدا فى مجال حرق الاسطوانات الاسطورة Nero Multimedia Suite Platinum 12.0.02900 وهو احد اقوى برامج الوسائط المتعددة يحتوي برنامج نيرو على ثلاثة برامج في برنامج واحد الثلاثه هم تحرير الفيديو ونسخ الاسطوانات والنسخ الاحتياطي للاسطوانات ، يمكنه ان يعمل نسخ احتياطي ونسخ الأسطوانات للوسائط المتعددة من موسيقى وصور وافلام فيديو واشرطة فيديو مختلفه ، Nero 12 هو خيار حقيقي للتعامل مع الاسطوانات في جميع الاتجاهات حيث ان نيرو 2013 هو احد اهم برامج تحرير الفيديو عالي الدقة وإنشاء وصنع افلام على حسب ما تريد انت وعمليات النسخ الاحتياطي للكمبيوتر واستعادتها ايضاً , والرائد ايضاً في نسخ الاقراص سواء CD او DVD

من مميزات البرنامج

تشغيل اقراص بلو راى العالية الجودة..

برنامج ملتيميديا متكامل لديك يشبه برنامج الميديا سنتر لويندوز 8.

تحويل صيغ الفيديو عالية الجودة بمختلف الصيغ بجودة HD

سهولة فائقة فى تحرير ملفات الفيديو والتعديل عليها

انشاء نسخة احتياطية من ملفاتك المهمة اونلاين..

نسخ جميع اقراص ال DVD و BLUE RAY الى جهازك بسهولة تامة..

Nero 12 Platinum is a multimedia software suite that lets you capture, convert and consume your movies, music and photos for the best HD home entertainment experience. Nero 12 Platinum was built to support Windows 8 and provides the best experience for enjoying Blu-ray Discs. With Nero 12 Platinum, it is fast and easy to achieve the results you want by working seamlessly across the applications in the suite. Nero 12 Platinum supports the latest video formats and has everything you need to convert, edit, burn, stream and enjoy your movies, music and photos in high-definition. Stream your movies, photo slideshows and music playlists throughout your home Avoid the hassle of recreating photo albums, slideshows or music playlists to stream on different devices in your home. With Nero 12 Platinum, create them once and then stream them to your XBOX 360™, PS3™, iPad®, Android tablet, PC, digital media adaptor, streaming-enabled TV, or other DLNA- or UPnP-supported devices. One player for all your videos and music Forget the hassle of using different players for your video and audio discs and files. With Nero 12 Platinum, you get one media player that can simply handle everything. Total support for high-definition AVCHD™ Progressive video Import, edit and export videos in AVCHD™ Progressive (50p/60p) format. Quickly output it with SmartEncoding. Rip it to virtually any other video file format. Nero 12 Platinum lets you do just about everything with your high-definition videos so you can enjoy them on any device. Use the latest high-quality video formats to convert, edit and burn your movies AVC/264, MKV, MP4, 3GP, AVI… there’s hardly a video format or codec around that Nero 12 Platinum doesn’t support. Give your home movies some pizzazz Spruce up your home movies with 800+ easy-to-use video effects, templates themes and disc menus. Now with Nero 12 Platinum, stabilize shaky videos from your smartphone or handheld camera. Add a touch of nostalgia with brand-new film-style effects and retro film themes. Create Hollywood-quality Blu-ray Discs™ or DVD-Video™ discs, complete with menus, navigation, graphics and text. Finally digitize your analog movie collection Get around to that project you’ve always wanted to tackle. Convert all your analog movies to Blu-ray Disc™, DVD or virtually any file format so they continue to keep pace with your playback equipment. Disaster-proof your data with improved backup device support From financial records to irreplaceable photos, it’s a snap to make sure all your most important data is backed up routinely and automatically. Now, back up to hard drives larger than 2 TB and the latest-generation USB 3.0 storage devices. Plus, automatically discover and configure your NAS device for a network backup or backup your data to the cloud. Economically span large data files across multiple discs With the all-new Nero DiscSpan SmartFit feature, automatically span large files efficiently across multiple discs. Even combine disc types (CD, DVD and Blu-ray Disc) to use as few of them as possible. A bunch of free tools to enhance your experience Make professional-looking disc covers and labels. Mix your own music tracks and edit audio files exactly to your liking. When you upgrade to Nero 12 Platinum, you can download Nero CoverDesigner, Nero SoundTrax and Nero WaveEditor – all for free! Get exactly the results you want faster than ever With hundreds of performance improvements ranging from hardware accelerated video encoding to a split installer that lets you get up and running in 5 minutes, it’s never been faster or easier to get exactly the results you want than with Nero 12 Platinum. With the greatly improved Nero Kwik Media library at the heart of Nero 12 Platinum, it’s never been easier to work across applications or faster to find and use exactly the photo, song or video clip you want. It’s ready for Windows 8 when you are Don’t make the leap to Windows 8 without Nero 12 Platinum or you may lose out on DVD and Blu-ray Disc™ playback on your PC, DVD recording and TV capturing. Thinking of waiting awhile before you upgrade your OS? Not to worry, Nero 12 Platinum works perfectly on Windows 7, Windows Vista and Windows XP, too

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ثانيا البرنامج بروابط مقسمة
400 ميجا للرابط .











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