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قديم 02-13-2013, 02:12 PM
احدث واقوى برامج تنظيف الريجسيتري لتسريع اداء الجهاز (Advanced Registry Clear)

السلام عليكم ورحمة الله اقدم لكم: احدث واقوى برامج تنظيف الريجسيتري لتسريع اداء الجهاز (Advanced Registry Clear) لتحميل البرنامج اضغط هنا Advanced Registry Clear مواصفات البرنامج الاصدار: الحجم: 3.72 MB تاريخ الاصدار: Jan 19, 2012 نظام التشغيل: Windows 2000/XP/Vista/7(32-bit and 64-bit) الموقع الرسمي: http://www.advancedregistryclear.com Advanced Registry Clear is an easy-to-use, decent and high-efficiency registry cleaner and optimizer that fixes all your registry errors, system bugs and other common problems and sweeps Internet tracks, IE ******s, temporary Doc files, etc. to make your PC and your personal information more stable and securer. Why Choose Advanced Registry Clear • All-in-one Combined registry scan and repair with system optimizer, privacy sweep and other utilities such as disk checker, disk cleaner, file pulverizer…, Advanced Registry Clear can meet all your needs of registry software: streamlining registry, improving system, protecting privacy, and more, just imagine. • Fast & Professional Advanced Registry Clear keeps itself focused on offering the best free registry cleaner and optimizer, and with the continuous introduction of new and advanced technology into it, Advanced Registry Clear is capable of integrating and optimizing your registry in just a few minutes. • 100% safe and free Advanced Registry Clear would like to allow users to enjoy the free software, clean and safe PC environment. There is no adware, no spyware, no viruses in it, and it will never let you down. • Extremely easy to use With the intuitive interface, simple and clear navigation, even the novice can immediately handle Advanced Registry Clear. • Fully Automated Advanced Registry Clear has a time scheduler and carries out regular automated scan and sweep of your system. This considerable app makes every effort to save your time لتحميل البرنامج اضغط هنا تحياتي للجميع | اذا اعجبك الموضوع فلا تبخل بكلمة شكرا
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