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قديم 02-25-2013, 07:34 PM
تحميل لعبة المغامرات الرائعة Akodomon للاندرويد


وصف اللعبة

A World To Explore
Explore the vast world of Akodomon. Go on quests, level up, upgrade and care for your creature. Discover hidden dungeons, defeat the evil horde and restore peace to the Akdomon world.

Imbued with the god like power of the ancient guardians, your Akodomon can transform into its all-powerful alter ego. Each Akodomon also has its own unique strengths and abilities. Collect them all!

Transport Your Akodomon to Earth
Using the power of Amplified Reality, bring back your Akodomon to your own table top or desk in order to train, feed, and care for your Akodomon. Then travel back into the Akodomon World to continue the adventure.

Multiplayer Modes
Coming soon in a future update.

Win the war against boredom! AppGear is a line of apps that interact with collectible figures and customizable toys to create a new reality in gaming. 
اللعبة تصلح لجميع اجهزة اندرويد

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