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قديم 03-01-2013, 07:23 PM
تحميل لعبة سباق السيارات الرائعة Speed Night 2 للاندرويد

Speed Night 2

وصف اللعبة

Inheritance 3D game in the first generation of Speed Night. Experience more realistic physics engine, and enjoy the fun of midnight racing.
Game content:
Tap the left and right of the screen to control the steering of your car, escaped on the road NPC vehicles. The row beginning of the process, you can collect the gold coins. By gold coin to unlock the props.
The course of the game provides the following capabilities:
1. Magnet: lessons within a certain range of gold used for a certain period of time.
2. Missile: blow up the NPC the vehicle before you.
3. Time: Every time you pass the finish line, increase one time.
4. Acceleration: speed over a period of time.

The game offers online leaderboards, you can compete with players all over the world!
اللعبة تصلح لجميع اجهزة اندرويد

حجم اللعبة 12 ميجا

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