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قديم 03-03-2013, 07:41 PM
تحميل برنامج WebcamXP Pro v5.5.1.5 Build 33554 لجعل جهازك مركز مراقبه فى اخر اصدار

أقدم لكم

WebcamXP Pro v5.5.1.5 Build 33554


البرنامج الرائع الذي يجعل من جهازك اله لمراقبه اكثر من مكان في وقت واحد
يعتمد البرنامج علي الاشارات والحركات الصادره من الاشخاص
والتبليغ الفوري عنها عبر الايميل الخاص بك او
(send email / notify url / run file / ftp upload / )
وكذلك تستطيع التلاعب بالصور التي تم التقاطها وتحسين ادائها

webcamXP is a powerful webcams and ip cameras management and streaming software for private and professional use. It offers unique features and unequaled ease of use to let you broadcast and manage multiple video sources on the same computer. It is the perfect tool to secure your goods and to easily manage users' accesses.

supported devices:
- usb webcams (WDM driver required)
- tv, analog or multi-input capture cards (WDM driver required)
- ip cameras (JPEG/MJPEG/MPEG4)
- Windows Media streams (ASF)
- local video files (AVI/WMV/MP4/MOV/...)
- wowwee rovio (mobile ip camera) new !

supported streaming modes:
- still jpeg images for low-tech devices
- flash client (compatible with most operating systems and handheld devices)
- ********** clients (MJPEG or JPEG PUSH)
- Windows Media streaming
- Windows Mobile 5.0 / 6.0 client new !

additional key features:
- local and remote pan & tilt control (Logitech Orbit, Creative LiveMotion! and IP cameras)
- supports FTP/FTPS and HTTP/HTTPS Post
- motion detector (optical or acoustic) with many possible ways to handle alerts (local recording, ftp, http post, launch external applications)
- advanced users manager to grant limited or unlimited access.
- overlay editor supporting picture in picture, animated gifs, alpha-blending and text editor.
- DVR (permanent recording deleted after X hours)
- run as service new !
- interract with PowerHome automation software new !

Supported OS:

Windows XP, Vista, 7, 2003 and 2008 Server


Installation Instructions:

- Install program
- Copy content from crack folder and paste into default installation directory.
- Register application with any email address and given name/key.
- Done, Enjoy.

Have A Nice Day

Note: Uploader is only responsible if any problem in torrent, never responsible for software functionality problems

License: Shareware
Size :10 Mb
Release Date :3.3.2013

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