عيون العرب - ملتقى العالم العربي

العودة   عيون العرب - ملتقى العالم العربي > ~¤¢§{(¯´°•. العيــون الساهره.•°`¯)}§¢¤~ > أرشيف المواضيع الغير مكتمله او المكرره او المنقوله و المخالفه

أرشيف المواضيع الغير مكتمله او المكرره او المنقوله و المخالفه هنا توضع المواضيع الغير مكتملة او المكرره في المنتدى او المنقوله من مواقع اخرى دون تصرف ناقلها او المواضيع المخالفه.

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قديم 04-12-2013, 10:18 AM
スペクトル ♥

أسمي الجميل بآليآبآنــي ♥

स्पेक्ट्रा ♥

أسمي الجميل بآلهندي ♥

ذهـــبت لمكتــــبة الحـــــياة أبــــحث عـــن كتابيـــــن :
" أصــــــدقاء بدون مصالح " و " حــــب بدون خيـــــانه "
فـــــقالوا لـــي : إذهبِ إلى قسم .. " الخيال !!!
قديم 04-12-2013, 10:25 AM
Kindness to heat the bonus-driven, and kindness to vile motivate to re-issue.

Satan said: Wonders of the sons of Adam! Love God and Aasouna, HateMi


To Atstan Bzalm unjust even not be prey to two

If people talked Just know, just calm many places

Brothers bad like fire burn each other

Sometimes children say the words to Atjibna .. We Ntguena them

To prevent him from falling better than help after a fall

Who were born in the storms are not afraid to be strong winds

Honesty Ezz even if it Matl .. And lying humiliation even if the Healing brush

Not the fault of the back of your enrollment as long as you have walked in the wrong way

Happiest hearts .. That beats for others

Amnesty heals better than punishment .. Sometimes

When cooperation man to climb the mountain approaching him from the top

Be careful as you advised .. Some may believe you

ذهـــبت لمكتــــبة الحـــــياة أبــــحث عـــن كتابيـــــن :
" أصــــــدقاء بدون مصالح " و " حــــب بدون خيـــــانه "
فـــــقالوا لـــي : إذهبِ إلى قسم .. " الخيال !!!
قديم 04-12-2013, 10:26 AM
There is always acting like a

The panic .. His dark side

If the loser keeps his smile, I lose the thrill of victory

Will not be able to chase worries flying over your head
But you can prevent them nesting in your head

Dive with ... To be swallowed

People with demeanors, in finding out about the great errors

Which generates crawl, he can not fly

People feel one small Bhoudrth of
But the greatest is the all around him feel great as well

Whenever up rights, rises clouds surround

Do not argue, it will be hard for people to differentiate between

Do not argue with an ignorant for it will be hard for people to differentiate between

If you were a strong memory .. And bitter memories .. You miserable people on earth

You must not say everything you know .. But you must know all what you are saying

ذهـــبت لمكتــــبة الحـــــياة أبــــحث عـــن كتابيـــــن :
" أصــــــدقاء بدون مصالح " و " حــــب بدون خيـــــانه "
فـــــقالوا لـــي : إذهبِ إلى قسم .. " الخيال !!!
قديم 04-12-2013, 10:32 AM
Do not spit in the well may drink from days

It is not difficult to sacrifice for a friend .. But it is hard to find a friend who is worth the sacrifice

Life is full of stones not stumble, but most comprehensive and peaceful ascend toward

At the moment you feel people in this world while there are people in the world you feel the whole world

A successful man is one who closes his mouth before closing people's ears and open his ears before he opens people's mouths.

Takes discuss matters trivial and time-consuming because each known more than they know about important issues

When people praise people, few believe it and when Ivmonh everyone believe

Choose your words before you speak and give choice and enough time to maturity of speech Words Fruits need for sufficient time to mature

Be wary of the Holy if Ahnih and Varmint if Dignity and wise if embarrassed and foolish if mercy

If of your enemy Adviser introduced him advice, because consultation may went out of Almaadat to Moo to you

Do not argue with an eloquent nor foolish .. Valbleg Agbak and Fools hurt

Of the etiquette of dialogue

Think much

He concluded long

He spoke a little

And Athml all what you hear, it is sure that you'll need in the future

ذهـــبت لمكتــــبة الحـــــياة أبــــحث عـــن كتابيـــــن :
" أصــــــدقاء بدون مصالح " و " حــــب بدون خيـــــانه "
فـــــقالوا لـــي : إذهبِ إلى قسم .. " الخيال !!!
قديم 04-12-2013, 10:33 AM
Do not hesitate to be regretted those who erred in his right

And see his eyes and you pronounce the word sorry to read in your eyes which he hears with his ears

Do not judge a person by his relatives only

Man did not choose his parents, let alone his relatives

Of Modern Literature in Tel

When the phone rings and you smiled meet speaker

Van محدثك on the other end will see your smile through the tones of your voice

Of the etiquette of marriage

Married are able to Conversation

When your old age you will know the importance of it when it becomes to talk with the one you love your top priorities and interests

If you like people, go to him and say you love

But if you do not really mean what it says

Because he will know the truth just by looking in your eyes

ذهـــبت لمكتــــبة الحـــــياة أبــــحث عـــن كتابيـــــن :
" أصــــــدقاء بدون مصالح " و " حــــب بدون خيـــــانه "
فـــــقالوا لـــي : إذهبِ إلى قسم .. " الخيال !!!

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المواضيع المتشابهه
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عســؤلآت تبؤن تعرفــؤن ليش الشبآب حآآقدين علينــآآ؟؟~>آآدخلــؤآآ هنــآ • Јαήєτ نكت و ضحك و خنبقة 33 02-15-2013 04:54 PM
روآيـــٌٍــةـ مـ’,ــــخ ـخ عـرـربـــج ــــي ،’! world,s smile أرشيف المواضيع الغير مكتمله او المكرره او المنقوله و المخالفه 26 08-06-2012 12:35 AM
- أحببت أسرآري , لأنهآ دآئماً قد تحتويـﮎ ♥ !! тяυмρ مِكس ديزاين 10 11-08-2011 02:06 PM

الساعة الآن 11:02 PM.

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