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قديم 03-17-2013, 02:17 AM
تحميل أروع برنامج لاقط للشاشة FastStone Capture 7.4 Final

FastStone Capture 7.4 Final

في اخر اصدار لهذا البرنامج الرائع جدا لاقط للشاشة يعد من افضل البرامج في هذا المجال
يحوي مميزات كثيرة جدا برنامج شهير ومرغوب دوما .

جديد الاصدار Changes in FastStone Capture 7.4 (March 14, 2013):

* Supports touch interface
* Added 2 new options in the Settings:
o “Auto-hide capture toolbar when it reaches the top of the screen”
o “Bigger buttons on capture toolbar”
* Improved the Print dialog
* Improved the “Fixed Region” capture tool: now you can press Shift + arrow keys to adjust the width and height of the fixed region
* Added a hotkey for “Import from Clipboard” in the Hotkeys tab of the Settings
* Now it is possible to use the screen capture and screen recorder at the same time if you disable the new option “Hide Toolbar when using Screen Recorder” in the Settings
* Now you can preview the fonts in the font list of the Draw tool
* Added a “Blur” button in the image editor
* Added a “Save” button to the Email window when “To Email” is selected as the Output destination
* Added an option to adjust the volume of mouse click sound for the screen recorder
* Supports output to Excel
* Other minor improvements and bug fixes

Windows 98, ME, XP, Vista/7 and Windows 8

2.38 م.ب

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