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قديم 03-17-2013, 02:57 PM
اقوى برنامج لمراقبه مروحه البروسيسور للحصول علي اعلي كفاءه وسرعه SpeedFan 4.48 Final

أقدم لكم

SpeedFan 4.48 Final

- = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - = - =

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برنامج مراقبه الفان او مروحه البروسيسور وتقديم تقرير كامل عنها
وعن درجه الحراره الخاصه بها وادائها وبالتالي تستطيع الحصول علي افضل اداء
من البروسيسور مما ينعكس علي سرعه الجهاز وسرعه العمليات المنطقيه عليه
البرنامج من اخف البرامج في هذا المجال وبالتالي ليس ليه اي تاثير علي مكونات الكمبيوتر

SpeedFan - a free system utility to monitor the parameters of the motherboard. The program monitors the fan speed and temperature of the system unit (CPU fan, power supply, PC case, hard drive, etc.). The main function of the program is to control fan speeds depending on the respective temperatures. This will reduce power consumption during low use of computer resources. The rotation can be controlled manually or automatically.
Please note that the fan speed can only be provided on the motherboard set the corresponding sensor. Another function of this utility is the ability to automatically regulate the internal bus frequency of the processor and bus PCI. program is a compact yet powerful tool to monitor the computer's hardware. Allows you to read voltage, fan speed and temperature with hardware monitor. Displays information about the state of the parameters SMART, and the temperature for the hard drives. Works with HDD on interfaces EIDE, SATA and SCSI (most of the "software?» IDE / SATA RAID controllers, unfortunately, is not supported.) You can also adjust the frequency FSB on some motherboards, but this development is actually frozen.


added full support for Windows 8
added full support for Windows Server 2012
fixed ATK0110 device detection
fixed ACPI Thermal Zones detection
updated device driver to improve Windows 8 and Windows Server 2012 support

لتحميل شرح تسطيب البرنامج

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