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قديم 03-26-2013, 11:21 PM
Post Download GOM Player

Download GOM Player

GOM Media Player

The only media player you need - for FREE!

Not only is GOM Media Player a completely FREE video player,
with its built-in support for all the most popular video and audio
formats, tons of advanced features, extreme customizability, and the
Codec Finder service, GOM Media Player is sure to fulfill all of your
playback needs. With millions of users in hundreds of countries,
GOM Media Player is one of the world`s most popular video players.

System Requirements

Click one of the links below to downloaded GOM Media Player for free.

Microsoft Windows 8 (32 / 64bit), Windows 7 (32 / 64bit), Vista (32 / 64bit), XP (32 / 64bit), 2000, ME

Intel Pentium III or AMD Athlon or equivalent

Over 16MB free RAM

Over 25MB free HDD space.

GOM Media Player [2013 03/26]

Corrected an issue with the MPEG source filter.

Added support for 10bit AVC files.

Corrected a playback speed control issue (WMV).

Improved FLV playback with internal filters.

Improved playback for certain MTS files.

Improved the seek function for H.264 videos.

Playback Speed Control improved (0.2x - 16x).

Improved Easy Browser preferences.

Snapshot Preview shortcut added (CTRL + Q).

Corrected a volume message display issue.

Misc fixes and changes.

Downlaod Program

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الساعة الآن 09:46 PM.

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