عيون العرب - ملتقى العالم العربي

العودة   عيون العرب - ملتقى العالم العربي > ~¤¢§{(¯´°•. عيون الاقسام المخفية.•°`¯)}§¢¤~ > تحميل برامج

تحميل برامج القسم يهتم بتحميل برامج الجهاز و بأحدث البرامج التي تخدم المستخدم العربي (حماية-ماسنجر-اصوات-ادارة ملفات - تصميم - والكثير من البرامج المهمه) , يمنع وضع كراكات, سيريل نمبر, مولد ارقام, كيجن.

إضافة رد
LinkBack أدوات الموضوع انواع عرض الموضوع
قديم 08-25-2007, 11:16 PM
باقة لن تراها إلا فى عمالقة المنتديات فقط .... حصرى لعيون العرب

" أختى ن "

إن كان لى فى هذا العمل خيراً ... فارجوا من الله تعالى أن يكتبه لها واسأله به أن يشفيها وهو أرحم الراحمين
بسم الله وتوكلت على الله

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هذه أول مشاركة لى فى قسم البرامج ... وأتمنى أنها تعجبكم

هذه البرامج لن تراها إلا فى المنتديات العملاقة فقط ... ومنها عيون العرب

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LingvoSoft Talking Dictionary 2007 - Eng to 42 Lang + FlashCards

يدعم اللغة العربية

قاموس راااااااااااااااااائع يحتوى على 42 لغة مختلفة
وأمثلة بالجمل وأستعراض الكلمة وبحث بالمفرد والتحويل بين الترجمات والكثيييييييييييييييييييييييير " ينصح بإستخدامه "
مع خاصية بطاقة الفلاش الجديدة

Once installed on your desktop or laptop PC this remarkable dictionary not only translates between Languages but also speaks the Languages translation out loud using
the latest TTS (text-to-speech) technology.

Providing you with important usage information and transcriptions, it also lets you easily improve your knowledge of another language quickly and effectively.

And with its fully adjustable interface that includes multi-lingual settings it has never been simpler or more comfortable to work with a foreign language.

Additional timesaving features include full integration with other popular LingvoSoft applications as well as with many MS Office applications allowing you to use familiar cut and past commands to translate words from a variety of sources.

LingvoSoft Talking Dictionary 2007 features:

# Language information for about 42 languages
# English Grammar information
# Input Line search
# Advanced Spell-Check function
# Sophisticated Synonyms search
# Adjustable user interface (toolbars, font settings, colors, etc.)
# English, French, German, Spanish and Russian language interfaces
# Translations complete with part of speech, gender, comment, transcription,
sentence examples
# Translation cards
# Quick paste and translate function
# Personalized User Dictionaries (Add, Create, Edit)
# Parts of Speech Filter
# Advanced English and French speech synthesis created with Text To Speech

# Full Integration with LingvoSoft FlashCards and LingvoSoft PhraseBook
# Full integration with Microsoft Office (Internet Explorer, Outlook, Word)

- English Albanian
- English Arabic
- English Armenian
- English Azerbaijani
- English Bosnian
- English Bulgarian
- English Chinese Simplified
- English Chinese Traditional
- English Croatian
- English Czech

- English Dutch
- English Estonian
- English Finnish
- English French
- English German
- English Greek
- English Hebrew
- English Hungarian
- English Indonesian
- English Italian

- English Japanese Kana Romaji
- English Japanese Kanji Kana
- English Japanese Kanji Romaji
- English Japanese Romaji Kanji
- English Korean
- English Latin
- English Latvian
- English Lithuanian
- English Polish
- English Portuguese

- English Romanian
- English Russian
- English Serbian
- English Slovak
- English Spanish
- English Swedish
- English Tagalog
- English Thai
- English Turkish
- English Ukrainian
- English Vietnamese
- English Yiddish

- Russian Armenian
- Russian Azerbaijani
- Russian English
- Russian Estonian
- Russian French
- Russian German
- Russian Hebrew
- Russian Spanish
- Russian Turkish

- Russian Armenian
- Russian Azerbaijani
- Russian ChineseSimplified
- Russian ChineseTraditional
- Russian Czech
- Russian Dutch
- Russian English
- Russian Estonian
- Russian Finnish
- Russian French
- Russian German
- Russian Hebrew
- Russian Italian
- Russian Polish
- Russian Portuguese
- Russian Spanish
- Russian Swedish
- Russian Turkish

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أضافة إلى المجموعة المكتبية مايكروسوفت أوفيس 2007 " أمكانية الحفظ كملف أكروبات بى دى أف أو أكس بى أس "

Microsoft Office 2007 Add-in: Microsoft Save as PDF or XPS

Works with:

Office Access 2007

Office Excel 2007

Office InfoPath 2007

Office OneNote 2007

Office PowerPoint 2007

Office Publisher 2007

Office Visio 2007

Office Word 2007
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البرامج مقسمة حسب النوع :

أولا برامج تحرير الصور ومعالجة الصور وأستعراض الصور

Portable Cartoon Maker 3.99

برنامج جميل لعمل الكارتون ... جرب وماراح تخسر شىء

funny and amazing cartoons.
• You can create personalized cartoons of your friends, family or famous people.
• Add a sketch effect to a cartoon photo.
• Making cartoons is simple

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Any Image v4.0

للتحويل بين الصيغ المختلفة وبين أحجام الصور بسرعة فائقة دون التأثير على جودة الصورة والكثير من المميزات أكتشفها بنفسك .

Any Image is a tool that helps you quickly do high quality conversions between image file formats.
Converting a single image is as easy as converting a huge number of images!
Converting large batches of files is as easy as converting a single file.
Just as easily convert to multiple output formats in a single batch run.
Supports many image file formats: See the complete list here.
Optionally do high-quality image processing operations (e.g. Image resizing, framing, un-dithering, sharpness, saturation, contrast, gamma control, rotation, mirroring).

Highest quality color depth reduction: Write images with 2, 4, 8, 16, 32, 64, 128, 256, 32K, or 16M optimized colors.

Alpha plane, transparency color, and text fields are converted for all formats that supports it.
Options useful for web or game graphics, e.g. "Set alpha plane from second file" and "Use optimal shared palette for all files".
Unique option to compress JPEG's to a target file size as an alternative to the usual 'quality' parameter.
'Super optimize' option for PGN's produces the smallest 8 or 24-bit PNG files that we've seen.

Automatically create HTML image tables for image galleries or thumbnail indexes.
Command line interface for doing unattended conversions

للتحميل من الربيد شير

للتحميل من الميجا أبلود

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VSO PhotoDVD 2.3.16

برنامج رائع لتحميل الصور من أى دى فى دى ومشاركتها وتحويل أى صور من جهازك إلى مشغل الدى فى دى والكثير والكثير.

VSO PhotoDVD is the best DVD Photo Slideshow Software to create DVD's from your photos. Watch your pictures on any home DVD player. Share your digital pictures on a DVD with friends or family. VSO PhotoDVD animates your images to make a video DVD Slide show. You can add optional soundtracks and comments to your pictures using DVD subtitles.
Support picture formats: JPG, GIF, BMP, ANI, PCX, EMF, WMF, and more...
• Support native RAW format : Canon RAW .CR2, Nikon .NEF, .DNG, Minolta and more...
• Supported audio formats for background music: MP3, WMA, OGG, MPC, WAV, APE
• Awesome pan and zoom effects
• Fullscreen (4:3) and Widescreen (16:9) output
• DVD output on DVD-R/RW and DVD+R/RW media (Single or Double Layer)
• Specify a focus point for each picture (highlighted by zoom techniques)
• Basic picture editing (rotation, black and white or color, etc.)
• Up to three subtitles tracks (for different languages)
• Up to three audio tracks for different background music
• Supports both PAL and NTSC formats
• Fast and highgrade MPEG2 encoder
• Universal DVD burning engine included
• Multilingual support
• Optimized for Windows XP and Windows Vista

للتحميل من الربيد شير

للتحميل من الميجا أبلود

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PanoramaStudio v1.53

برنامج جميل لأستعراض الصور وجعلها بانوراما ... فى دقيقة
والكثيييييييييييييييييييييييييير فعلا من القدرات الهائلة للتعامل مع البرامج الأخرى ..

Stitches your photos to huge panoramic images within minutes.
PanoramaStudio creates seamless 360 degree and wide angle panoramas from sets of photos. It offers automatic stitching, enhancing and blending of the images.
* Stitches individual images seamlessly to wide angel and 360 degree panoramas
* Stitches photos from every conventional camera - there is no expensive special equipment needed for the shooting of panoramas
* No tripod needed for shooting a panorama
* Automatic stitching of the photos
* Detects already more than 800 digital cameras by their exif data (in JPG ,TIFF and PSD files)
* Uses the exif focal length of known cameras
* Supports focal lengths from 13mm to 400mm (35mm film alent)
* Can autonomously estimate the focal length of photos
* Allows arbitrary position of the horizon -> perspective correction
* Automatic barrel/pincushion correction for wide angle lenses
* Automatic vignetting correction
* Special blending mode for seamless transitions
* Possibility to completely edit and correct all steps of the stitching after the automatic assembly of the panorama
* Poster printing function
* Export of interactive QuickTimeVR panoramas
* Configurable Auto Play for QuickTimeVR panoramas!
* Export of interactive Java panoramas
* Export of panoramas as screensaver or self-running program
* Import of existing panoramic images for further processing or export as interactive Java or QuickTimeVR panorama
* Supports cylindrical, spherical, and perspective (rectilinear) projection of panoramic images
* Writes the most common image formats (JPG, TIFF, PSD, BMP, PNG, PCX, RAS, and TGA)
* Imports the image formats JPG, TIFF, PSD, BMP, PNG, PCX, RAS, IFF, and TGA
* Imports numerous RAW formats including DNG, CRW, NEF, CR2, RAW, MRW, DCR, ORF, ARW, PEF, ... (new)
* Thumbnail preview at image import
* Exposure adjustment of the single input images
* Automatic exposure correction of the panorama
* Supports arbitrary rotating, scaling and cropping of the input images
* Hotspot editing in QuickTimeVR and Java Panoramas -> Links to other panoramas and websites
* Filters for post-processing image colors and sharpness of the created panoramic image
* Export of the individual panorama images as Photoshop file with layers, as row of TIFFs, or as a Multipage TIFF

للتحميل من الربيد شير

للتحميل من الميجا أبلود

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يتبع ؛


بحبك أكتر من أنى أحبك
رد مع اقتباس
قديم 08-25-2007, 11:17 PM
رد: باقة لن تراها إلا فى عمالقة المنتديات فقط .... حصرى لعيون العرب

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الملفات المضغوطة والأرشيفات

WinMount 2.01

برنامج أكثر من رائع فى إدارة ملفات
besides that, also supporting mounting a folder to a virtual drive

تخزينها وفتحها ونقلها والتعامل الكامل معها دون الحاجة لفكها وأستعراض ما فيها أيضا بسهولة وسرعة

WinMount is a Windows utility which helps you manage your compressed archives impressively and conveniently. With WinMount, you can mount ZIP, RAR or ISO file to a new drive so that you can use those files inside directly. You don't need to extract them first which implies that lots of time and disk space would be saved under many circumstances.

WinMount has already been in support of mounting ZIP, RAR, ISO, BIN, CUE and MDF formats.(besides that, we also plan supporting mounting a folder to a virtual drive).
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Portable RAR Recovery Toolbox v1.1.4.7

برنامج قوى فى إستعادة الملفات المضغوطة التالفة ومزايا أخرى كثيرة

he RAR Recovery Toolbox tool (download) recovers data from damaged RAR archives. The RAR repair program scans the archive, defines the data structure and tries to recover as much information as it can from the damaged file. Using several different recovery algorithms, the RAR file repair tool minimizes data loss and tries to recover the maximum possible amount of information. The RAR file repair tool also checks the data for consistency to enhance the quality of data recovery. After the RAR recover program finishes the recovery session, it shows a full recovery report.

An intuitive and convenient user interface makes the work with the RAR repair program easy and comfortable even for a beginner. The process of RAR recovery consists of several steps performed in separate windows, so the rar recovery process becomes even more convenient.

During data rar recovery the RAR repair program doesn't modify the damaged RAR archive; it just recovers files from the archive and saves it to the hard disk. The folder structure remains the same a damaged RAR archive, file and folder names aren't changed too. Software don't fix RAR file over old archive file.

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برامج الكمبيوتر – حماية – صيانة وكل مايهتم بالحاسب الألى

PC Tools Spyware Doctor

برنامج غنى عن التعريف فهو من أقوى برامج المتخصصة فى مكافحة الأسباى وير
Spy وملفات الضارة بجهازك

Spyware Doctor provides three-way spyware protection for your PC through real-time threat blocking, advanced system scanning and immunization against known browser infections.

Spyware Doctor is a multi-award winning spyware removal utility that detects, removes and protects your PC from thousands of potential spyware, adware, Trojans, keyloggers, spybots and tracking threats.

Protect your privacy and computing habits from prying eyes and virtual trespassers with the help of Spyware Doctor.
Spyware Doctor Tools:
- Spyware & Adware Scanner Keylogger
- Guard Popup
- Blocker Phishing
- Protector Real Time
- Protection Browser
- Guard Spyware Cookie
- Guard Malware
- Immunizer
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Rar Password Cracker 4.12

لفك ملفات وين رار المضغوطة والمحفوظة بكلمة سر
" كسر كلمات السر "

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Lock My PC v4.4.7.661

أترك جهازك فى أى وقت ولا تنزعج لا أحد يستطيع العبث به أو فى دريفات السى دى وفتحها أو أى شىء ... فى أى وقت ... متى تشاء

Lock My PC™ is an easy in use, powerful and compact tool to lock your computer from unauthorized use. When you leave your computer unattended, the program disables the hot keys (including Ctrl+Alt+Del), mouse, locks CD/DVD ROM doors and displays a lock screen. Nobody can access your system without providing the correct unlock password. Unlike another similar computer lock software that cannot lock Ctrl+Alt+Del on a computer running Windows XP, our Lock My PC runs own keyboard driver to block such key combinations. Moreover, bulletproof startup lock guarantee that when your computer locaked at startup, this lock cannot be bypassed even in safe mode! Why Lock My PC ?
You don't like snoopers. They are always prying into your e-mail messages, programs, data, files, etc. Lock My PC allows you to lock your computer with a password while you leave it unattended. You can lock your computer manually, with a menu or hotkey, or set up auto lock when your computer is idle.

Features and benefits
Quick and safe computer lock by hot key, or mouse click
Autolock when computer is idle
Correct Ctrl+Alt+Del lock
Bulletproof startup lock (couldn't be bypassed in safe mode)
Different installation mode - setup for home or corporate use
CD/DVD-ROM doors lock
Multi-user support
Multimonitor support
Auto turnoff when computer is locked for a long time
Blind password option
Stealth mode
Windows XP x64 compatibility
Custom lock screens
Cycling lock screen images
Screen saving effects
Lock screen transparency - you can view movies under the locked screen
Password protected settings, quit and uninstall
Command line options
and many more
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Hiren's BootCD v9.2 + Keyboard Patch

أسطوانة كاملة تحضيرية كاملة ... " محترفين أو مستخدمين على دراية بالتعامل مع البرامج الخاصة بالنظام "
مرفق معها الكثير من البرامج التى تحتاجها لحل مشاكل الأقلاع وتهيئة الجهاز

Hiren's Boot CD is a boot CD containing various diagnostic programs such as partitioning agents, system performance benchmarks, disk cloning and imaging tools, data recovery tools, MBR tools, BIOS tools, and many others for fixing various computer problems. It is a Bootable CD; thus, it can be useful even if the primary operating system cannot be booted. Hiren's Boot CD has an extensive list of software. Utilities with similar functionality on the CD are grouped together and seem redundant; however, they present choices through UI differences.

Changes since Last version:
+Recuva 1.02.095
+JkDefrag 3.16
+S&M Stress Test 1.9.0
+Process Explorer 10.06
+Express Burn 2.02
Active Kill Disk 4.1
Samsung Hutil 2.04
SPecial Fdisk 2000.03t
TestDisk 6.8b
PhotoRec 6.8b
HDAT2 4.5.3
System Analyser 5.3r
Astra 5.33
MpxPlay 1.55 final
Universal TCP/IP Network 6.01
Gcdrom 2.4
CuteMouse 1.9.1
Unstoppable Copier 3.12
Silent Runners Revision 51
Autoruns 8.71
CurrPort 1.20
CPU-Z 1.40.5
CCleaner 1.41.544
ShellExView 1.16
PCI 32 Sniffer 1.4 (2907)
McAfee Antivirus 4.4.50 (2907)
Spybot - Search & Destroy 1.4 (2907)
SpywareBlaster 3.5.1 (2907)
Ad-Aware SE Personal 1.06 (2907)
F-Prot Antivirus 3.16f (2907)
PCI and AGP info Tool (2907)
Unknown Devices 1.2 (2907)
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Hide My Folders v2.1.4.37

برنامج لأخفاء الفولدرات الهامة بعيدا عن متناول الأطفال

Hide My Folders by Eltima Software allows hiding files and folders from viewing, accessing and searching completely, so that only you know that those files or folders exist. No matter how particular computer (over local network, from internet or directly) is accessed, those folders stay invisible and safe. Once you hide files/folders, Hide My Folders will not reveal its presence in your system, and the files will be hidden until you unhide them. No one can find out if any of the files or folders is hidden. This is achieved by low-level file access which is reliable, robust and fail-safe. Hide My Folders launch is password-protected and you will be the only person to see and access your private info.

In order to hide files with specific names and extensions Hide My Folders offers advanced pattern-matching approach. By specifying special string as a mask you may hide a group of files that comply with it. For instance, "*.doc" would hide all MS Word files. This is convenient and useful option if would like to hide some files in a directory or on your hard drive, while leaving other files visible.

As a security measure, Hide My Folders incorporate foolproof control which means that nobody can hide system critical files and folders (such as c:windows etc.) and lock your system. We guarantee that you will never lose your hidden files or do any harm to your system! Hide My Folders is meant for anyone who is concerned about confidential file storage.

للتحميل من الربيد شير

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Firefox Portable

المتصفح الشهير فايرفوكس – نسخة بورتابل

Firefox Portable | All Windows | ~ 6 MB

Mozilla Firefox Portable Edition is the popular Mozilla Firefox web browser so you can take your bookmarks, extensions and saved passwords with you.
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Deep Freeze Standard Retail

البرنامج العملاق ديب فريزر لحفظ الجهاز فى درجة حرارة تحت الصفر .... حتى لا يتأثر بالجو الخارجى أو اليد العابثة
ترى جهازك فى كل مرة محتفظ بأخر لمسة كانت عليه

Deep Freeze instantly protects and preserves baseline computer configurations. No matter what changes a user makes to a workstation, simply restart to eradicate all changes and reset the computer to its original state - right down to the last byte. Expensive computer assets are kept running at 100% capacity and technical support time is reduced or eliminated completely. The result is consistent trouble-free computing on a truly protected and parallel network, completely free of harmful viruses and unwanted programs.

While Deep Freeze provides bulletproof protection, its non-restrictive approach also improves user productivity and satisfaction. Placing no restrictions on a user's ability to access all system resources, users avoid the frustration of downtime due to software conflicts, operating system corruption, virus attacks, and many other problems. Users are always assured of computers that are consistently operable and available.

Deep Freeze Standard is changing the way IT Professionals protect small multi-user environments. Simple, robust, and cost effective, Deep Freeze Standard is ideal for computing environments with 10 or less workstations or for environments that don't require central management or control.
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PDF Converter Professional 4

برنامج رائع لإنشاء أو لتعديل أو لتحويل ملفات الأكروبات ريدر
PDF المشهورة ... " معظم الكتب والمراجع المنشورة على الأنترنت "
والأن يمكنك تحويلها إلى ملفات صوت جديييييييييييييييييييد
والكثير من المميزات التى تطرح لأول مرة فى مثل هذه البرامج

NEW! Convert PDF Files into Audio Files!
ScanSoft PDF Converter Professional 4 gives the business professional everything needed to work with PDF files within one, elegant application. "The Best Alternative to Adobe® Acrobat®"™ allows you to create, edit, convert and share PDF documents and forms faster and easier than ever before!

All Features:
What's New in PDF Converter Professional 4 :
# New! 100% Redesigned for Ease-of-Use
PDF Converter Professional 4 makes working with PDF files easier than ever with a completely new user interface. The new design is compact and intuitive, putting every tool within easy reach. The new design also embraces the native look and feel of both Microsoft Windows XP and the new Windows Vista, making it the ideal PDF companion for Microsoft Office and all of your office productivity applications.
# Improved! Speed

Already up to 3 times faster at creating PDF files than alternative products, the new version delivers significant performance improvements which will make you more productive than ever:
* 300% faster application launch speed
* 50% faster in opening PDF files within the application
* More than 50% faster page navigation
* More than 80% faster multi-page form-fill
* Up to 300% faster at creating PDF than alternatives
# Improved! The Most Accurate Conversion Ever
Through a collaboration with Microsoft, Nuance was the first-ever to enable the conversion of PDF documents back into fully-formatted Microsoft Office formats, and simply delivers the best conversion available today. That makes the 60% improvement in PDF-to-Word conversion in the new release even more astounding. Better still, we've made converting legal documents more accurate, significantly enhanced converting to Microsoft Excel, and implemented native PDF-to-WordPerfect conversion.
# New! Microsoft Windows Vista Ready
Looking forward to the new release of Microsoft Windows Vista? PDF Converter Professional is the first PDF solution designed specifically to meet the needs and new look & feel of Vista. Supported Vista features include 32- and 64-bit, native Vista look & feel, PDF creation that is compliant with the new Vista print sub-system, ability to create XPS from PDF and of course the cool 3D Alt-Tab feature of Vista. The product also supports Microsoft Windows XP and 2000.
# New! PDF Create! Assistant
If you need to create multiple PDF files at a time, then the desktop utility PDF Create! Assistant will make it easy. Completely redesigned, it supports batch PDF creation, combining multiple files into a single PDF, and now supports named PDF Profiles. This makes it easy to use specific PDF creation settings, such as specification (PDF 1.4, PDF/A, etc.), font embedding, security and more.
# New! PDF Converter Assistant
Also redesigned and enhanced, this desktop utility makes it easy to convert from PDF into fully-formatted Microsoft Word and Excel, Corel WordPerfect and rich text format (.rtf.) files. You can now convert multiple PDF files in batch, and also tune the conversion for complex layouts, such as forms and legal pleadings.
# New! PDF File Size Optimizer
Converting Microsoft Office files into PDF results in files that are significantly smaller - making them easier to share as email attachments and on the Web. The new PDF Optimizer gives you even more power in making the smallest possible PDF files, with controls that allow you to make specific settings for compression type, font embedding and more.
# Improved! FormTyper
More accurate OCR translates directly into faster and cleaner documents when you transform static PDF forms into fillable PDF forms.
# New! Convert PDF Files into Excel Workbooks
Now you can convert multiple Excel spreadsheets to a single workbook.
# New! Convert Legal Documents
Turn PDF document pleadings into Microsoft Word and Corel WordPerfect documents with a single click.
# Improved! Reduction in File Sizes
PDF files are not only reduced in size with our new Optimizer, but now they are natively smaller due to a revised PDF creation driver. Sharing and archiving PDF files has never been easier or more efficient!
# New! Print with Comments
Display and print comments to get a convenient synopsis of changes that result when collaborating on PDF documents. All sticky notes in a PDF can now be printed with reference lines that make it easy to review even large, complex documents.
# New! Tagged PDF
The automatic addition of XML tags to existing PDF files allows screen readers to navigate the proper read-order in a document - essential for creating an accessible and Section 508 compliant PDF file.
# New! ISO PDF/A Support
The International Standards Organization (ISO) has officially published the specification for 19005-1 PDF/A, a specification of PDF for the long-term preservation of archived documents. PDF Converter Professional supports this important new PDF specification, as well as PDF 1.3, 1.4, 1.5 and 1.6.
# New! Direct Connection to Document Management Systems
If you use PDF documents with Hummingbird or Interwoven content management systems, PDF Converter Professional will save you a few steps with its ability to open/save a PDF right from within the application.
# New! PDF-to-Audio Conversion
PDF conversion doesn't stop at your PC. With the new PDF-to-Audio conversion you can easily save PDF documents as human-sounding RealSpeak™ audio files for Apple iPod and other media players. This lets you easily share your documents as Podcasts, without the time and expense of manual recordings.
# New! 1.6 PDF Support
Support for creating PDF files that are compliant with Adobe® specifications 1.3, 1.4, 1.5 and 1.6, gives you the greatest flexibility in working with PDF. Add to that support for PDF/A, and the ability to open nearly any PDF, and you have a complete PDF solution in PDF Converter Professional 4.
# New! Section 508 Compliant
PDF Converter Professional is certified as compliant with U.S. Section 508 of the Rehabilitation Act, which requires that applications be accessible by persons with disabilities.
# New! Thin Client Citrix and Windows Terminal Services Support
Putting PDF Converter Professional on every desktop is affordable and easy. The product supports a configurable push install and management using MSI, and also supports running over Citrix and Microsoft Windows Terminal Services thin client environments.

للتحميل من الربيد شير
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Doc2Pdf Convertor v3.50

للتحويل من ملفات ورد إلى أكروبات ريدر بى دى أف ومميزات كثيرة أخرى .

he Easiest way to creating Professional PDF file from Word Instantly Convert Microsoft® Word Document into PDF Files Convert Doc to PDF For Word is the fast, affordable way to create professional-quality documents in the popular PDF file format. Its easy-to-use interface allows you to create PDF files by simply click the "Save as PDF" button from MS Word, creating documents which can be viewed on any computer with a PDF viewer. Convert Doc to PDF For Word supports Font embedding, resolution, compression and multi-language. And Convert DOC to PDF For Word does not need any software such as adobe acrobat. This program very very nice and work in WORD 2007 How does it work: Microsoft Word Integration - Convert Doc to PDF For Word adds toolbars to Microsoft Word, allowing users true one-click PDF file creation. Using Convert Doc to PDF in Microsoft Word
Simply choose File/Open in Microsoft Word to open a original Word document, then click the "Save as PDF" button in the toolbar to instantly create a PDF file from the Word document. Convert Doc to PDF For Word retains the layout of the original Doc document, and it supports all PDF file settings, such as PDF Compatibility, Auto-Rotate, Resolution, Compress settings of PDF document, Colors settings of PDF document, Fonts settings of PDF document.
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يتبع ؛


بحبك أكتر من أنى أحبك
رد مع اقتباس
قديم 08-25-2007, 11:19 PM
رد: باقة لن تراها إلا فى عمالقة المنتديات فقط .... حصرى لعيون العرب

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برامج الصوت

" جميع برامج الصوت وضعتها للأستخدام الأسلامى وأرجوا التقيد بالعمل الأسلامى عند العمل بها "

Aurora Media Workshop 3.3.38

أقوى وأروع وأضخم برنااااااااااااااامج على الأطلاق فى معالجة جميع صيغ المالتى ميديا على جهازك

يعتبر ستوديو كامل على جهازك الشخصى
يمكنك عمل مجموعة من الصور لفيلم مع أضافة مؤثرات
يمكنك التقطيع والتوصيل بين مقاطع الصوت المخلفة ومعالجتها
يمكنك تحرير وتعديل الفيديو وتحويله إلى أى صيغة واستيراد الصور منه ...
كلها فى برنامج واحد فقط وحصرى على عيون العرب

You can record audio from any audio source, and convert audio files between mp3, wav, wma, ogg and you can also ripper and save your favorate music CD albums to disk audio files; you will find it is a very easy thing to store all kinds of audio, data, video files to CDs.
*** Video Capabilities :
- Extreme fast Conversion speed
- Convert, join, split all supported formats to MPEG1
- All supported formats to MPEG2
- All supported formats to VCD,SVCD,DVD(PAL,NTSC)
- All supported formats to AVI(DivX,XviD, MPEG-4)
- All supported formats to Windows Media Format (WMV/ASF)
- Join video files to a large one
- Split large video file to smaller clips
- Extracts audio tracks from all supported video formats to mp3, wma, wav
- Extracts images from all supported video formats
- Batch file execution
- Make any favorate pictures and photos to video films with fascinating transition effects and graceful background music
- Specifies start and end position while convert and joint
*** CD Capabilities :
- Burn MP3, WAV to music CDs
- Backup files and directories to CDs
- Burn MPEG1, MPEG2, VCD, SVCD, DVD to CDs that can be played in VCD, DVD player
*** Audio Capatiblities :
- Burn MP3, WAV to music CDs Audio conversion between WAV, MP3, WMA, OGG
- Audio Record from all source
- Advanced audio CD Ripper to WAV, MP3, WMA, OGG
- Advanced audio CD burning from WAV, MP3, formats
- Batch audio files conversion
- Advanced MP3, WMA, WAV, OGG format setting

للتحميل من الربيد شير

للتحميل من الميجا أبلود

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Absolute MP3 Splitter Converter 2.6.5

تستطيع من خلاله تحديد مقطع صوتى من ملف صوتى وحفظه بجودة عاليه وكذلك التحويل من الملفات المختلفة

Absolute MP3 Splitter Converter is a powerful audio split, merge and convert software, which can split your largeaudio file into small pieces and merge audio files in one large file, convert between audio formats, without losing sound quality.

- Split audio file: Split a large audio file into small pieces in spite of the source format and target format. For
example,you can split an mp3 file into several small mp3 files and even into wma,wav and ogg files according to your
- Merge audio files: Merge multiple audio files in one large file in spite of the source format and target format.For
example,you can merge some mp3 files and even wma,wav and ogg files into a large mp3 file according to your
- Convert audio formats: Convert audio formats between MP3, WAV, WMA, OGG in batch mode.
- Various Splitting Mode: You can split an audio file by three mode:1,by amounts:split in certain parts with the same
length;2,by time:split by every certain time length;3,by user settings:You can set the start-time and end-time of
cutting/joining when pre-listening to the song.
- Step by step Wizard: The step by step wizard makes splitting job very easy to understand.
- Frequency and Bitrate settings: Absolute MP3 Splitter supports frequency and bitrte settings. To get higher quality
of target files, you can set the frequency, channels, and bitrate, before splitting or merging.
- File Information: You can view splitting file information such as title,artist,album,and so on;You can also edit the Id3
tag information.
- Direct-To-Disk splitting and merging, no temp files generate.
- Support MP3, WMA, WAV, OGG formats.
- User-friendly interface, very easy to use.

للتحميل من الربيد شير

للتحميل من الميجا أبلود

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برامج الفيديو

" جميع برامج الفيديو وضعتها للأستخدام الأسلامى وأرجوا التقيد بالعمل الأسلامى عند العمل بها "

Movavi VideoSuite 4.5

برنامج أكثر من رائع به الكثير من المميزات التى يمكنك من خلالها أستيراد فيلم من دى فى .. أو كاميرة ويب ,
وأيضا تستطيع أن تجعل ملف الفيديو صالح للأستخدام فى المواقع والمنتديات كتوقيع فيديو مثلا ..

تستطيع حفظ الفيلم فى عدة صور منها DVDs to iPod, PSP,Zune, PDA , cellphone
حقيقى برنامج يستحق الأكتشاف

NEW! Capture Video from Your DV and Web Cameras
Transfer digital video to your computer and capture video with your webcam.
NEW! Capture, Create, Email or Blog Video Postcards
Create personalized video greetings cards from any video source.
Get Your Movies on the Go!
Save your videos and DVDs to iPod, PSP, Zune, PDA or cellphone.
If you love movies but you're always on the go, no problem! Movavi VideoSuite lets you convert video files and DVDs for viewing on any mobile device.
You don't need to know anything about video formats and settings - just add the video or DVD, select the target device - iPod, PSP, Zune, PDA or cellphone - and hit 'Convert'!

Instant Video Conversion and DVD Ripping
Easily convert video to and from any format and rip DVDs
Making movies for YouTube? Producing video podcasts? Want to rip your DVDs? Now you can easily move videos and DVDs between different formats and devices. You can convert an entire video or just a video fragment. Movavi VideoSuite supports all popular video and audio formats: FLV (new!), AVI (DivX, XVid), DVD, VOB, IFO, MPEG, MPEG4 (iPod, PSP, MP4), 3GPP, 3GPP2, MOV, WMV, ASF, RM, MP3, WAV.
Split and Splice tools at your fingertips
Make your movies longer or shorter in no time!.
Exciting New Ways to Enhance your Videos
Apply filters and special effects with just one click.
You'll love the new special effects made possible by Movavi VideoSuite's automatic filters! Plus, you can preview the results in real time right in the main window, using the split screen. Want a futuristic, sci-fi look? Or maybe a 30's film noir? The choice is yours. Join in the magic with Magic Enhance and improve your movie in no time!

Save the Best Stills and Soundtracks
Extract your favorite audio tracks and images from videos and DVDs.
Want to have the music from your favorite movie on your iPod? Or create a gallery of stunning pictures without taking a single new shot? Movavi VideoSuite is here to help. Capture frames from your video manually or use the new Gallery feature and capture shots automatically by number of frames or time. Then you can save them as still images in any graphics format. Separate soundtracks from videos and DVDs and save them as MP3 or WAV files. What more could you want?
Copy, Burn and Share DVDs and CDs
Copy and back up your DVDs; burn data, audio, and video onto CD or DVD.

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Sothink 3GP Video Converter 1.0 Build 70215

برنامج أكثر من رائع للتحويل بين الصيغ المختلفة لملفات الموبايل

Video converter for creating 3G video. It can convert video from almost all popular formats to 3GP/3GP2, such as MPEG, MPG, MPE, DAT, VOB, AVI, ASF, WMV, ASX, DV, RM, RMVB, MOV, QT, MP4, 3GP, 3GP2, 3G2, 3GPP; Enable you to crop and trim the source video before conversion, and provide you different zoom modes to make the picture fit your mobile perfectly. And it is truly simple to operate as it works like a wizard with intuitive and friendly interface.

The Latest Version Offers:

* Easy-to-use Wizard to Convert Video to 3GP format (3GPP/3GPP2).
* Simple Video Editing Function like Video Cropping & Video Trimming.
* Different Zoom Mode.
* Batch Conversion.

Key Features

* Convert all popular formats of video to 3GP mobiles compatible format (3GP/3GPP)
* Higher conversion speed, and better quality
* You can crop and trim the video before conversion
* Provide different zoom modes
* Support batch conversion
* Adjust audio volume with ease by gain control
* Support AAC(Advanced Audio Coding)
* Easy-to-use and friendly interface

Supported Formats

* Convert MPEG to 3GPP(.3gp)/3GPP2(.3g2)
* Convert DAT to 3GPP(.3gp)/3GPP2(.3g2)
* Convert AVI to 3GPP(.3gp)/3GPP2(.3g2)
* Convert ASF to 3GPP(.3gp)/3GPP2(.3g2)
* Convert WMV to 3GPP(.3gp)/3GPP2(.3g2)
* Convert MP4 to 3GPP(.3gp)/3GPP2(.3g2)
* Convert QT to 3GPP(.3gp)/3GPP2(.3g2)
* Convert RM/RMVB to 3GPP(.3gp)/3GPP2(.3g2)

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Sothink SWF to Video Converter 2.2 Build 70816

برنامج للتحويل من مفات الفلاش إلى الفيديو بالصيغ المختلفة ويدعم معظم إمتدادات الفيديو .
وكذلك يدعم صيغ الموبايل.

Sothink SWF to Video Converter can perfectly convert Macromedia SWF files to AVI, iPod movie (MP4), animated GIF, or Image Series (BMP, PNG, GIF, and JPEG) with advanced editing and watermark function. It can always maintain excellent picture quality.

Main Features

* Convert SWF to AVI video, or MPEG format with high quality.
* Convert SWF to iPod video (MP4).
* Convert SWF to 3GP video (3GPP/3GPP2).
* Convert SWF to PSP movie (MP4).
* Convert SWF to animated GIF.
* Convert SWF to BMP / PNG / GIF / JPEG images series.
* Support importing audio from an external wav, mp3 file.
* Support choosing from different video encoder.
* Choose the beginning and ending time for the created video as you like.
* Crop the picture of Flash (SWF file) before you convert the SWF to video freely.
* Users can add watermark to the created video.
* Support adjusting the position and style of watermark.
* Support Macromedia Flash SWF in Flash v6, v7, MX, v8 format.
* No frame would be skipped or lost.
* The audio and video are exactly in synchronization.
* Support ActionScript.
* Users can adjust volume easily with a slider.
* Get excellent picture quality of the created files.

Supported Formats

* Convert SWF to AVI
* Convert SWF to MPEG
* Convert SWF to iPod video (MP4)
* Convert SWF to 3GP video (3GPP/3GPP2)
* Convert SWF to PSP movie (MP4)
* Convert SWF to animated GIF
* Convert SWF to BMP/PNG/GIF/JPEG images series

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يتبع ؛


بحبك أكتر من أنى أحبك
رد مع اقتباس
قديم 08-25-2007, 11:20 PM
رد: باقة لن تراها إلا فى عمالقة المنتديات فقط .... حصرى لعيون العرب

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برامج شخصية

TypingMaster Pro

برنامج غنى عن التعريف فى تعلم سرعة الكتابة على الكيبورد والمميزات الأخرى الجديدة

Meet TypingMaster Pro, the personal touch typing tutor that adapts to your unique needs. The program provides customized exercises and helpful feedback to guide you step by step to professional keyboarding. As a result your typing speed will increase significantly saving you a lot of valuable work time.

باسورد : www.blueportal.org

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PIMOne 5.32 Build:2007.4.28.175

برنامج ممتاز لأدارة المعلومات الشخصية والتواريخ والباسورد .. يعتبر كمحفظة إلكترونية ومذكر عام لأحداثك ... ينصح بإستخدامه

Are you tired of the classic but old interface of the PIM software you are using? PIMOne is an easy-to-use PIM (Personal Information Management) software with a nice and stylish looking for storing and managing your private information securely.

PIMOne enables you to maintain a secure personal information, using a stylish interface and full support for plan, agent, tasks/todo list, contacts list, private passwords, memos, holidays. The information can be password protected and customized in design. PIMOne offers different skins to suit your taste. The program also comes with some built-in reminders, including plan events reminder, task reminder, birthday reminder, interval reminder and holidays reminder, they allow you to easily be reminded when important events comes.

PIMOne also comes with a built-in notes tool, that allows you create the desktop notes in different shapes and skins, and an Email Checker tool which can help to check if you have new emails arrived periodically. Additional features include search, built-in calendar, backup, import/export and more. Bringing great convenience to your work and life, PIMOne is indeed an indispensable assistant to you.

Key feature

Multiple information - PIMOne can manage various of your personal information. As a full PIM software, it includes plan/appointment reminder, actions, contacts, passwords, memos, interval reminder and a holidays reminder.

Secret information - PIMOne stores any information based on account. Before using it, you must create an account for yourself. The account is protected by the password you specified. All your privacy will never be accessed by others.

Secure information - PIMOne provides the security for your data. It also provides the backup/restore and the export/import solutions within the software. And more, PIMOne provides the auto backup when exiting.

Creative agent - PIMOne provides a tool named Agent. It can help to do some specified actions at specified time. E.g. sending emails, send MSN Messenger messages, shut down or reboot the computer, etc. at a specified time.

Personalization - PIMOne provides various skins. You can select a skin as you like, more skins can be got from the website. When creating account, PIMOne provides many display picture for your account, you can select one as you like.

Easy to use - PIMOne is an easy-to-use personal information keeper. All operations are simple and human.

Stylish and real-notebook-like interface - PIMOne simulate the real stylish notebook.

Additional tool - PIMOne provides the Notes tool that it can create the stylish notes on your screen for keeping something important. PIMOne also provides an Email Checker tool and an Interval Reminder tool to help you.

Quickly and easily search - PIMOne can find what you want quickly and easily. You only need enter a phrase for searching, then PIMOne will list the results to you.
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Auto Power On And Shut Down V2.03 2007

برنامج أكثر من رائع لغلق الجهاز أو لأعادة تشغيله بالوقت والتاريخ ( وضع الخمول hibernation فقط )

Auto Power On And Shut Down v2.03
Resume from power-off state - Auto Poweron & Shutdown allows you to auto-start up your computer to work at a specified date and time, even if the system was stopped in hibernation.
Wake up from sleep mode - Auto Poweron & Shutdown allows you to wake up your computer from sleep mode (s3 standby) at specified time.
Task Schedule - Auto Poweron & Shutdown allows you to open files, play sounds, run programs, close programs, open website, show messages, standby/hibernate, shutdown/reboot, etc. at any specified time.
Auto Shutdown - This is a feature of Auto Poweron & Shutdown that you may find useful. It allows your computer to auto-shutdown at specified time.
Auto Poweron & Shutdown is an easy to use application that allows you to control your computer resume from power-off state (hibernation) or wake up from sleep mode (stand by).
With Auto Poweron & Shutdown, you can have more fun in your life. Wake up every morning at the sound of your own favorite music.Go to your office to find that your computer has already been turned on for you. And when you leave to go home, the program helps you close the computer so it doesn't wear off… Features:
Auto Poweron & Shutdown is able to allow users to do this all of the following:
Control your computer resume from power-off state (hibernation).
Wake up your computer from sleep mode (standby) .
Run programs, close programs, open files and open URL at any specified time .
Play mp3, wma , wav and flash at any specified time .
Logs on system automatically (win2000/nt/xp/2003) .
Shutdown or reboot , make computer enter sleep mode (standby/hibernation) at any time .
Synchronize your PC's time to atomic clock servers .
More Features:
Easy to use, install and configure the software in 2-10 minutes.
Support Windows 98/ME/2000/XP/2003
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WorkPause 1.3.2

برنامج صغير جدا ولاكنه مفيد خصوصا لمن يجلسون ساعات طويلة أمام الكمبيوتر ... يخبرك بأن الأن حان وقت الراحة ....

The long hours spent in front of the computer can often lead to back pain, eye strain, and, in the worst case, Repetitive Strain Injury (RSI). The best cure is prevention – making regular breaks and using them to take your eyes off the screen, doing some stretches or a short walk around the office. But, immersed in your work, you often forget to rest. You need a reminder.

filesize: 365 kb

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Your Handwriting 2.0

برنامج يضيف طابع شخصى وسحرى على جميع كتاباتك وخطوطك
جرب رحلة ممتعة مع برنامج لذيذ وسحرى ..

A fast, simple, and fun way to personalize everything you write with your computer. Easily create TrueType fonts for use in word processing, email, graphics, and desktop publishing. Easy-to-use, but powerful, Creates unlimited number of fonts

* Turn your handwriting into a Windows TrueType Font in just a few steps.
* Your Handwriting Assistant provides forms to print out, fill in, and scan.
* The Intelligent Font Analyzer converts your scanned forms into a working, editable font.
* Your Handwriting Font Editor allows for finetuning any TrueType font.
* Use the Mail Editor to compose and send emails using your new font.
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TextAloud v2.255

لعمل ملف صوتى مقروء من ملف كتابة أو لقراة الكتب والمراجع

TextAloud is Text-to-Speech software that uses voice synthesis to create spoken audio from text. You can listen on your PC or save text to MP3 or wave files for listening later.

TextAloud uses voice synthesis to convert text into spoken audio. Listen on your PC or create MP3 or WMA files for use on portable devices like iPods, PocketPCs, and CD players.

• Directly open Word, PDF, and HTML files
• Advanced Pronunciation Tools
• Toolbar plug-ins for Internet Explorer, Firefox, and Outlook
• Optional premium voices for a wide variety of accents and languages

للتحميل من الربيد شير

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ArtRage 2.5 Retail Ful

برنامج لعشاق الرسم بالفرش .. واللوحات

ArtRage lets you do just that in an easy to use, stylish package that gets you painting from the moment you open it up. You can paint with oils, sketch with pencils, sprinkle glitter, and more. You can paint with gold leaf, silver foil, and other llic colors. You can even load in your photos as Tracing Images to help you recreate them as paintings.
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Harry Potter Fonts

خط هارى بوتر

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The Internet - The Missing Manual

كتاب جميل جدا عن الأنترنت ويعتبر مرجع صغير لكل أحداث الأنترنت
الكتاب باللغة الأنجليزية

Author(s): J.D. Biersdorfer, David Pogue
Publisher: O'Reilly
Year: Jul 2006
ISBN: 059652742X
Language: English
Pages: 460
File type: CHM
Size : 8.5 MB

The Internet is almost synonymous with change--that's one of its charms, and one of its headaches. You may think you know the Internet, but are you really up to speed on internet telephones, movie and TV downloading, blogging, gaming, online banking, dating, and photosharing?

This utterly current book covers:
- Getting Online
- Finding Information
- Movies, music, and photos
- Keeping in touch

Ideal for anyone just venturing into cyberspace, this book is also perfect for more experienced users who could use an update to today's most exciting internet applications.

Chapter 01 - Getting Online
Chapter 02 - Surfing the Web
Chapter 03 - How to Search the Web
Chapter 04 - Searching by Information Type
Chapter 05 - News and Blogs
Chapter 06 - Reviews and Ratings
Chapter 07 - Shopping
Chapter 08 - Planning Trips
Chapter 09 - Finance
Chapter 10 - Games and Gambling
Chapter 11 - Music and Audio
Chapter 12 - Videos, Movies, and TV
Chapter 13 - Photos
Chapter 14 - Email
Chapter 15 - Instant Messages and Chat
Chapter 16 - Discussion Groups
Chapter 17 - Social Networking
Chapter 18 - Skype & VoIP: Internet Phones
Chapter 19 - Your Own Blogs, Web Sites, and Podcasts
Chapter 20 - Living on the Web
Chapter 21 - Staying Safe
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Encyclopedia Britannica 2007 Ultimate

موسوعة ضخمة جدا جدا
أبحث عن أى معلومة وأى شىء ... أكتشف أى شىء تريد
المعلومة بين يديك .. جرب ولن تخسر شىء
العالم فى موسوعة واحدة
كل أنماط الحياه ...

* Complete, up-to-date-content
* 100,000+ articles
* 166,000+ Magazine and Web Links
* New! Virtual Notecards: Make your research more portable and productive.
* New! EXPLORE : Interactive Article and Media Tours
* MULTIMEDIA CONTENT, Atlas, Timelines, Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary & Thesaurus, & More

Find all the information you need in the most trusted, up-to-date, and comprehensive resource. Encyclopaedia Britannica, the world"s reference leader, brings you the 2007 Encyclopaedia Britannica Ultimate DVD-ROM or CD-ROM on a six CD set or a single DVD, which provides you with three exclusive, complete and easy-to-use encyclopedias specifically designed for adults, students, and children. Young students can advance to the next level when they’re ready, and adults can use it all their lives.
Each year Britannica strives to exceed its own high standards of quality, excellence and accuracy, and this year is no exception. In addition to significant article revisions by Britannica"s editors, the new product boasts of a host of enhancements including new ways to explore information, virtual notecards, and updated homework help tools. The 2007 Encyclopaedia Britannica Ultimate DVD-ROM or CD-ROM also includes a free 90-day subscription to Britannica"s online premium service.

للتحميل من الربيد شير " 35 جزء "

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هذه البرامج لن تراها إلا إذا كنت من رواد المنتديات والمواقع الكبرى كعيون العرب

الموضوع ليس منقول .. ولاكنه من إجتهادى ورؤيتى الخاصة والحمد لله

وماتوفيقى إلا بالله رب العالمين

وتقبلوا تحياتى


" أختى ن "

إن كان لى فى هذا العمل خيراً ... فارجوا من الله تعالى أن يكتبه لها واسأله به أن يشفيها وهو أرحم الراحمين

وأرجوا ثم أرجوا منكم أخوانى ألا تنسوا أختكم فى الله بالدعاء

أرجوا الدعاء لها بالشفاء

والله أعلى وأعلم والله بكل شىء عليم


بحبك أكتر من أنى أحبك
رد مع اقتباس
قديم 08-25-2007, 11:44 PM
رد: باقة لن تراها إلا فى عمالقة المنتديات فقط .... حصرى لعيون العرب

يعطيك العافية وبارك الله في جهودك
وشفى لك أختك
تقبل كل الاحترام والتقدير
لكل منا شمسان شمس تشرق كل صباح وشمس في قلبه

..ولكن مهما أضاءت شمس الصباح وأشرقت

فإننا لا نراها وإن كانت شمس قلوبنا مطفأة

رد مع اقتباس
إضافة رد

مواقع النشر (المفضلة)

تعليمات المشاركة
لا تستطيع إضافة مواضيع جديدة
لا تستطيع الرد على المواضيع
لا تستطيع إرفاق ملفات
لا تستطيع تعديل مشاركاتك

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المواضيع المتشابهه
الموضوع كاتب الموضوع المنتدى مشاركات آخر مشاركة
الأرجنتين المسافرون العرب ولـد غرناطة أرشيف المواضيع الغير مكتمله او المكرره او المنقوله و المخالفه 18 10-09-2007 08:20 PM
تصميم هدية لعيون العرب abdelwadoude دروس الفوتوشوب - Adobe Photoshop 11 06-20-2007 04:41 AM
لعيون العرب فقط الان شرح كيفية عمل الارتباطات خاص للاعضاء واي سؤال انا جاهز!!!! فراس الحلو أرشيف المواضيع الغير مكتمله او المكرره او المنقوله و المخالفه 8 09-02-2006 01:48 PM

الساعة الآن 02:28 AM.

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