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قديم 04-03-2013, 11:37 PM
مشترك في مسابقة القسم * Oxygen VS Nitrogen*


Ladies and gentlemen
welcome here

I am really interested in the competition that is running here now
and there for I've written this paragraph all by my self and I took the information from my old dear science book
To be honest , I wanted to write an essay but ,...
as you see ... the competition needs only paragraphs..so that :- 0
before I begin : I am a medical student , aged 17>>>>I think that is enough a bought me

well .. Am sorry for being late
here is my subject:-

Oxygen VS Nitrogen
Both Oxygen and Nitrogen are nonmetallic elements that shares some similarities and differs from each other in the same time. First, according to their physical properties they are both:tasteless,colorless and scentless gases.However, Nitrogen is the second most abundant element in the world while Oxygen is the third.Furthermore,the boiling point of Oxygen is higher than that for Nitrogen .
Nevertheless, these two gases differs in the chemical field as well. For instance, Oxygen is too active whereas Nitrogen is nonactive.However, in some cases Nitrogenbecomes more active than Oxygen and may produce a large distruction or may turn to a useful thing. nonetheless, these two gases have many uses that varies depending on each one's properties. Oxygen;for example, is necessary for all living things due to its importance in the breathing process and produces energy after combining with blood and food. On the other side , Nitrogen Is used in fertilization industry and help plants to grow .Also, Nitrogen is well used in making the TNT bomb and it has many other military uses. In brief, These two gases can be compared and contrasted based on their physical and chemical properties as well as their uses..

and that's all for today
I hope you've enjoyed my paragraph ,
and ,... the source of information above is my science book ^.^ I've
collected these information and rewrite them as a paragraph

I don't like plagiarism so I've used my way in writing paragraphs and I paraphrased the information I got from my book . Even it's not perfect , but it's OK because I actually used to write essays from my own not paragraphs
Hope you liked it
and thanks for your time...


التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة Çhαdωιк♥ ; 04-03-2013 الساعة 11:57 PM
رد مع اقتباس
قديم 04-03-2013, 11:48 PM
Çhαdωιк♥ likes this.
رد مع اقتباس
قديم 04-03-2013, 11:49 PM
عزيزي شادو بخصوص انو انت تفكر اني بعرف اقرا انجليزي فهذا اكبر خطا بحياتي
مو فاهمه ولا كلمه ارسلي الترجمه ههههه
ولا قول راح روح لحبيبي جوجل يفهم اكثر منك هههههههههه
مشكوره ع كل حال
Çhαdωιк♥ likes this.
رد مع اقتباس
قديم 04-03-2013, 11:58 PM
تسلمي ع المرور ^^" بس المسابقة فكرتها انو الفقرة تكون بالانجليزي ^^"
يسلمو ع الرور الطيب ^^"
ليـن_شان likes this.

رد مع اقتباس
قديم 04-07-2013, 12:20 AM
I liked your science topic .. I thought that you used this title to distract us .. But I was wrong ^^*

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