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قديم 04-16-2013, 07:31 PM
Thumbs up Free Download EASEUS Partition Master Home Edition 9.2.2

Free Download EASEUS Partition Master Home Edition 9.2.2

Easeus Partition Master makes working with partitions extremely easy – it can be used not only to create them, but also to resize, move and copy them without losing any data. Free EaseUS® Partition Master have over 7 million users Worldwide. The interface is very easy to use, and the latest version supports hard drives of up to 4 TB (terabytes) in size. With the help of this tool you can easily convert file systems from FAT to NTFS.
Easeus Partition Master Main Features:
Partition Manager
Function can resize, move, and merge the partitions to make better use of hard drive capacity. It can expand the Windows system partition without Windows reinstallation and data loss. Besides, it also can help convert dynamic disk, convert logical partition to primary, wipe disk/partition, rebuild MBR and defrag disk.
Disk & Partition Copy Wizard
Helps create an exact copy of your hard disk, including the operating system, applications, preferences, settings, and data to migrate system or protect data. It also can copy any specified partition and dynamic volume safely.
Partition Recovery Wizard
Completely protects your partition, allowing you to recover deleted or lost partitions from unallocated space due to any personal, hardware or software failure or virus attack. It offers two recovery modes: Automatic and Manual for different needs.

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