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قديم 04-16-2013, 07:32 PM
Thumbs up Free Download Macrium Reflect 5.1.5856

Free Download Macrium Reflect 5.1.5856

Macrium Reflect is complete disaster recovery and backup software for your home and office. Protect your personal documents, photos, audios and e-mails. Upgrade your hard disk or try new operating systems in the safe knowledge that everything is securely saved in an easily recovered backup file.
Macrium Reflect Main Information:
Live imaging with Microsoft Volume Shadow copy Service
No need to shut down Windows to create a complete disk image of your PC.
Simple step by step operation
Image and Restore using intuitive wizards and interfaces.
Restore to new hardware New
Includes Macrium ReDeploy™ to move Windows to a new or virtual PC. Including Windows Server!
Advanced users can use the VBScript scripting language for complex backup scenarios.
Restore individual files and folders
Create a 'Virtual' drive in Windows Explorer and recover selected files and directories using simple copy and paste operations.
You can create full, differential or incremental images to optimize backup speed and disk space requirements.
Windows PE 3.1 New
Includes the latest Microsoft Windows Recovery Environment for maximum hardware compatibility and effortless restore.

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