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قديم 05-01-2013, 12:58 PM
برنامج Starus Photo Recovery 3.2 لاستعاده الصور المحذوفة

مع هذا البرنامج العملاق تستطيع استعاده الصور المحذوفه من سلة المحذوفات واستعادة الصور من جميع أنواع بطاقات الذاكرة ومحركات الأقراص USB

Starus Photo Recovery can undelete pictures you deleted bypassing the Recycle Bin and restore photos from all types of memory cards and USB drives. It can even recover digital images directly from most compact and digital SLR cameras connected to a PC with a USB cord. The complete recovery of all digital pictures only takes a few clicks in a fully guided, step-by-step wizard. Supporting a host of image formats and a number of RAW files produced by Nikon, Canon, Olympus, Casio, Kodak, Pentax, Panasonic, and SONY cameras, Starus Photo Recovery is an invaluable photo recovery tool for amateur photographers and seasoned pros alike. It can take a blank memory card that was formatted in-camera, scan it and extract all images you shoot recently, as well as most pictures you have completely forgotten about. Its digital photo recovery algorithms can work with all types of storage media including most digital cameras connected to a PC via a USB cord.

Size : 5.16 Mb

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قديم 05-01-2013, 05:42 PM
استعادة الصور المحزوفة

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