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قديم 05-04-2013, 01:39 PM
Edjing PRO DJ mixer turntables v1.1.2 APK

Edjing PRO DJ mixer turntables v1.1.2 APK

General Characteristics:

OS: Android 4.0 and upper
Screen Compatibility 3.7″ & upper
eMix function to share your mix on Facebook and Twitter (depending on Android phone)
Direct Access to your Android native Music file to mix your own music
Deezer Compatibility
edjing PRO Exclusivity: Pre Cueing & TK Filter natively included
2 Turntables + Cross Fader
Scratch / Pitch on Vinyl
Wide Sound Spectrum for optimum Beats localization
Pro DJ effects (FX): Cue, Flanger, Loop, Echo, equalizer
A store with additional effects (FX): Reverse, Double flipping, Auto Scratch, Reverbs, TK Oscilllator, Gate
The possibility to earn vinyls to buy effects
Possibility to record your mix: recording in High Definition CD quality, wave format
“AutoMix” mode for automatic transitions
BPM synchronization (sync)
Ability to remix mp3 files of more than 1 hour

Required Android O/S :4.0+

Screenshots :

Size: 17.63 MB

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