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قديم 05-04-2013, 10:11 PM
تحديث Fast Pro for Facebook v1.9.9.1 APK

Fast Pro for Facebook v1.9.9.1 APK

Comment, share and like
Real-time Home feeds with cached images (low bandwidth utilization!)
Write new status
Read notifications
Share contents from other android apps
Access to news, status, photos, links, videos, …
Search friends, people, pages and everything else
Write on friends'wall
Access to Groups and Pages
Read your private messages
Add and take Photos
Continuous photo upload trough camera
Add locations (check-in)
Widget and quick link
View Albums and Galleries
Optional Security pin against snoopy
Background themes (grey, app theme or photo loaded from your Device)
High security level: Facebook takes care of your user and password, we don't store anything!
Android 4.0 Design

What's in this version : (Updated : May 3, 2013)
Required Android O/S :2.1+

Screenshots :

Size: 2.2 MB

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