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قديم 05-05-2013, 04:44 PM
Thumbs up عملاق تشغيل المالتي ميديا XBMC Media Center 12.2

عملاق تشغيل المالتي ميديا XBMC Media Center 12.2

Among many media center software solutions on the market, XBMC managed to distinguish itself as most popular and easy to use. This was achieved with great dedication from thousand developers around the world who worked on this ambitious open source project.
Originally created as a media center application for the original Xbox game console, XBMC quickly grow into a fully featured software package that rivals Windows Media Center which came packaged in every Windows installation. XMBC features easy to use interface, full support for various streaming services, ability to play almost every audio and video codec known to man, and it can even look inside your ZIP and RAR archives for multimedia content.
With XBMC you can easily create playlists of your favorite multimedia, scan entire hard drive in search of audio/video files, playback multimedia from CDs and DVDs, and have quick access to weather forecasts and audio visualizations. With XBMC, your PC will become true center of your household’s multimedia consumption.
Features for XBMC include:

HD audio support, including DTS-MA and Dolby True-HD, via the new XBMC AudioEngine (OSX/iOS not yet available)
Live TV and PVR support
h.264 10bit (aka Hi10P) video software decoding for anime
64bit support in OSX to match the 64bit support in Linux
Improved image support, allowing the database to accomodate numerous additional image types and more interesting and complex skins
Support for the Raspberry PI
Initial support for the Android platform
Improved AirPlay support across all platforms, including AirPlay audio in XBMC for Windows to match the other platforms
Improved controller support in Windows and Linux
Advanced Filtering in the library
Video library tags to complement movie sets
Advanced UPnP sharing
Default video languages now match the language being used by XBMC
Translations now powered by Transifex

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