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قديم 05-06-2013, 12:53 PM
محول صيغ المالتميديا SoundTaxi Media Buddy

SoundTaxi Media Buddy

أحد برامج تحويل المالتميديا المميزة
يمكنه تحويل ملف واحد أو مجلد كامل في نفس الوقت
وبإمكانه حرق الاسطوانات
يدعم كل الصيغ المشهورة ( فيديو وصوتيات )

Lightning-speed conversions - this is what it's all about! Thanks to a very efficient hardware resources management system and GPU acceleration Media Buddy saves your precious time by providing faster than average conversions. Moreover, Media Buddy is a versatile tool that can convert almost any given multimedia files, be it video or audio, to a huge variety of media formats that are suitable for playback on DVD and portable players, mobile phones, gaming consoles and whatnot.

Media Buddy features
very easy to use and install
converts songs and videos for usage with any mp3 player, phone or other portable device
supports just about any imput audio and video files format
natively supports countless devices - iPod, iPhone, Zune, PSP, Archos, XBOX360, PlayStation3, Wii, Creative Zen, iRiver, Cowon and others
convert to many many popular formats including - DivX AVI, MP4, Windows Media, Flash Video, (MP3, OGG, AC3, FLAC, WAV, etc
converts practically all audio and video files
easily handles large music and movie collections
tweakable settings to get the conversion done just the way you want
many conversion profiles for portable devices avialble
fast conversion, your entire media library will be converted in no time
converts in best possible quality your device can handle


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