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قديم 05-08-2013, 04:18 PM
Hιddeη Łaυghs

It’s Said That There Is a Smile
On The Opposite Side Of Sadness
It’s Said That There Is a Smile
On The Opposite Side Of Sadness
Up ahead From Where I’m Going
To arrive at
Just What Is It That’s Waiting For
I Should Have Set Off, Not To Tun
But to Chase My Dreams, Back On
That Far Off Summer Day
If I Could Have Even Seen What
Tomorrow Would Be Like, I
Wouldn’t Have Been able To
So Now I Move Forward
In Order To Go against The
Current, Like a Boat!
It’s Said That Happiness Waits
In Places That have Been
Consumed By Sadness
I’m Still Searching for
A Sunflower at The End Of The
If I Clench My Fists, and Wait For
The Morning Sun To Come
After my finger nails became
bloody, my tears would fall
If I’ve grown used to being lonely
By The Moonlight
I’ll Fly away With My featherless
I’ll Move Furthur On ahead
If a Rain Cloud Bursts
Then The Wet Road Will Sparkle
That’s What The Darkness Tells Me
The Strong, strong light
I’ll move forward, and be strong
No hope no harm
just another false alarm :P

التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة Yui# ; 05-09-2013 الساعة 12:02 PM
رد مع اقتباس
قديم 05-19-2013, 02:41 AM

02:33am, Sun 2013/05/19‏
Alooha ;D
Neww blog @0@

‎طبعا الشغله مثيره للسخرية لأنه لما مرض اكاونتي وبطل يفتح; قعدت اولول واتبكبك عـالـ"مدونة" ، وبس رجعته رحت عملـت وحدة جديـدة xD
جــــد إني باكــا!! =^=
كل إلي رح احطه من كتاباتي =))،
مع القليل من الإقتباسات أحيانـا! إلي رح تكون ما بين ~ ~
عـلا T^ T ،
أهلي بنادوني " علـوشة، لولـو " :|
صحباتي ولسـبب v,v بنادوني " أي مـي " @،@
بـس المعتمد هـون " يــــوي " =))
18 سنــة @0@
كمان 4 شهور بكمل 19 ^*^!
فلسطــين - يــافا =)) ،بس ساكنـة بـ" الاردن " =]] ~‏
No hope no harm
just another false alarm :P
رد مع اقتباس
قديم 05-23-2013, 04:03 AM

'' Isn't it funny how day by day
nothing changes but when you
look back everything is different "
~ C.S. Lewis
No hope no harm
just another false alarm :P

التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة Yui# ; 05-23-2013 الساعة 08:32 AM
رد مع اقتباس
قديم 05-25-2013, 04:19 AM

No hope no harm
just another false alarm :P

التعديل الأخير تم بواسطة Yui# ; 05-25-2013 الساعة 09:44 AM
رد مع اقتباس
قديم 05-31-2013, 09:06 AM

If i Breath; Its Palestinian Oxygen
If I Speak; Its Palestinian Languag
If I Eat; Its Palestinian Food
If I Cry; Its On Palestine Shoulder
If I Dream; Its about Palestine Girl and Land
If I Pray; Its For Palestine Freedom
If I Promote; I Promote Palestine
If I Fight; I Fight With Palestine Soul
If I Make Peace; Its Becuase amt Palestine
If U Love Me; Its Becuase am Palestinian
When am Sad; Its Becuase Palestine Sad
Whem am Happy; I Know The Reason "am Palestinian" ~
When People Say Is "SMART" They Think Palestinians are ~
am Not Perfect.. But Thats Not a Big Deal
am Palestinian.. Thats The Real Deal .. ~
No hope no harm
just another false alarm :P
رد مع اقتباس
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