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قديم 05-20-2013, 09:59 PM
برنامج هاندي باك اب يتيح لك عمل النسخ الاحتياطي Handy Backup

برنامج هاندي باك اب يتيح لك عمل النسخ الاحتياطي Handy Backup

معلومات عن البرنامج

البرنامج الاكثر تطورا واستخداما في العالم من قبل الملايين برنامج هاندي باك اب يتيح لك عمل النسخ الاحتياطي للأقراص المدمجة و الملفات المحفوظة على القرص الصلب أو المتواجدة على الشبكة المحلية و أيضا عمل نسخ احتياطي للملفات المحفوظة على الفلاش ميموري، البرنامج مفيد جدا للمحافظة على ملفاتك الخاصة بحيث يقوم بضغط الملفات باٍعتماده أقوى تقنيات التشفير، برنامج هاني باك اب معروف لمن يحتاجه إلى عمل نسخة احتياطية للملفات و البيانات المهمة و حفظها عن طريق حرقها على CDs/DVDs أقرص مضغوط أو مدمج هذا البرنامج مجاني مئة بالمئة

Handy Backup is an application that was designed to be a complete automatic Backup solution for your operating system.

The utility can manage the copying and restoration, data protection of everything: from individual files to disk partitions, operating system, and even the entire hard disk image is available there.

Commonly recognized for reliable performance of smart Backup options, the utility maintains operations as a Windows service (low memory consumption and Backup even if no user is logged in), Backup of locked files with VSS, without limitations on files amount and volume for one session, Unicode-enabled backup, support of long paths, compression, encryption with reliable Blowfish algorithm, and so on.

Most of these options are based upon the leading technologies of today, such as CORBA, Rsync, FUSE, VSS, Naked objects, and others. One of the distinguished options of the product is a powerful disk image Backup functionality.

The app reliably manages the copying and recovery of full HDD image, partition image, system files, and databases. All these backups are available even in a hot regime (when the data may be locked by another app or OS).

The software also support great number of data storage formats: local and external hard drives, DVD and other optical disks, FTP and SFTP (Secure FTP), Handy Backup cloud, Amazon S3 servers, and even more. The new version offers also improved disaster recovery capabilities protected from internet connection failure while downloading important components, and intuitive one-click user interface.
Here are some key features of "Handy Backup": Integrated ZIP compression:
· You can either copy files to their destination as-is or employ built-in multi-choice ZIP compression to minimize your time online and storage space used.
128 bit encryption:
· We offer you 128-bit encryption support, which is now the highest level of protection used in Internet communications. Secure your data and do not worry about unauthorized access any more.
Flexible and powerful scheduler:
· A versatile scheduler makes it easy to define the Backup plan and run Backup and recovery tasks automatically from hourly to monthly basis. At any time you can do your Backup manually or modify Backup schedule to fit your needs. Option to run Backup process on log on/log off is provided.
Flexible file and folder selection criteria:
· An intuitive and powerful wildcards and inclusion/exclusion rules to fine-tune your Backup items. Now you can easily compose each Backup item by adding as many folders and individual files as you need.
Activity log in RTF format:
· All Backup activities are recorded in a log file available in RTF format. In version 3.7 the FTP connection log has been added allowing the user to monitor connection to the remote FTP server.
Multi-threaded transfer engine:
· Optimized for blazing performance, Handy Backup multi-threaded transfer engine executes backups in the background with minimum system resource consumption.
Intuitive Explorer style user interface:
· You'll find Handy Backup extremely easy-to-use due to its simple Explorer-like user interface. Smart Setup Wizard and online help will guide you through all steps of creating and managing Backup items.
Other features:
· Backup with timestamps and versions;
· Drag & drop interface;
· Option to remove old files from the destination folder;
· An ability to create a new folder at a remote FTP server;
· Options to set any other program run before/after running your Backup Item;
· E-mail notification about operation results;
· Restore of selected files only;
· Possibility to perform full and incremental backup/restore;
· Uninstall option.


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