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أرشيف المواضيع الغير مكتمله او المكرره او المنقوله و المخالفه هنا توضع المواضيع الغير مكتملة او المكرره في المنتدى او المنقوله من مواقع اخرى دون تصرف ناقلها او المواضيع المخالفه.

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قديم 05-29-2013, 07:18 PM
Difference Between Leadership and Management?

Difference Between Leadership and Management?
Majed Alrukban
There are unique variations between authority and management. Sometimes you are able to keep them individual, and sometimes you must act as both administrator and innovator. Here are the variations between authority and management, as well as some guidelines on developing the two.
Leadership and management are two different ideas and activities. In many companies, management and supervisors are the same individuals. The distinction is in how you, as a innovator and administrator, individual the projects of the two places - and try to discover a way to incorporate them simultaneously. Generally, authority can be described as establishing a viewpoint and offering a objective or route. On the other hand, management is the performance of the viewpoint or the objective. If you are a administrator and innovator, you must stability the two. If you cause with no management, you'll offer route with no idea of how to get to the greatest outcome. But if you handle with no authority, you'll discover individuals in your company thinking why they're doing what they're doing. Provided, in some companies, the mature or professional level management can truly cause, that is, set the route, while center or line supervisors execute. Let's take a look at the real variations between management and authority, and then discover out how to incorporate them.
One of the first big variations between authority and management is the idea of modify. A innovator must start modify - it's the whole idea of establishing a route or new objectives. As most companies know, modify is difficult and sometimes unpleasant. The innovator places the modify as a beneficial, describes why the modify is being created, and places out either to handle it or to allow a group of supervisors to do so. A administrator, though, when experienced with modify, must adjust to the modify and then sustain the position quo - until another modify comes along. Management is the exercise of adjusting and then keeping - not actually identifying changes that need to happen.
Another distinction between authority and management is the individuals perspective on the company. Leaders take a "bird's eye view" or "50,000 foot" viewpoint of the company and its circumstances. From this standpoint, a innovator can look at the big image - how is the company performing, what techniques are connected to what places, and what changes will create things more effective and affordable. A administrator, although in track with the big image, must keep look at the small image, what's going on right in his or her area. This is not a short spotted viewpoint, but a viewpoint that can handle the technicality of small sized device.

Leaders and supervisors must take different opinions of techniques and techniques, as well. A innovator is involved with overall techniques. Keep in mind, from the parrot's eye viewpoint, a innovator can see which techniques are effective and which ones are not. A move in procedure may come from an overall innovator, but the techniques or performance of the new procedure is a management operate. The supervisors with the small opinions can create changes to their techniques in order to carry a procedure through from its starting to its end. Along the same collections, a innovator may even determine a preferred outcome, making procedure changes to other supervisors. In this scenario, a innovator might say that enough it takes to finish "Process X" is too long - the preferred outcome is less sized period of your energy and effort. Managers must be involved with the resources that will help them accomplish the preferred outcome - for example, a new device may be required to reduce the period of your energy and effort for Process X, and a administrator must have the information of the resources to create this suggestions.
Motivation and management are also two other variations between authority and management. A innovator should offer inspiration - after all, the innovator is establishing new guidelines. He or she must be ready to encourage by describing why changes are happening and what the preferred results will carry. Motivation should also come from "kudos" for tasks well done and for upgrades - this also indicates that motivation must be the inspiration for underperformance. A administrator may have to take management after a authority inspiration happens. This doesn't mean that a administrator must be managing or micromanage individuals or techniques. It indicates that a administrator must exercise a company hold on the techniques and make sure that individuals are getting their allocated projects finished.
There are obviously several variations between authority and management, and we've only mentioned a few here. But what if you are, as supervisors are progressively becoming, the administrator and leader? How can you incorporate and stability both factors of the authority / management equation? Sometimes it's a query of levels: you may have to start modify and encourage, then convert right around and handle the techniques and the resources. There may be an simpler way to look at the incorporation of management and authority. According to Port Welch, the former CEO of GE, handling less is a great way to simply be a innovator and administrator all combined into one. When Welch initially considered his supervisors, he sensed that they were handling too carefully, not providing workers enough permission to create choices on their own within a structure. He changed supervisors into "creating a vision" for workers and always making sure the viewpoint was on focus on - if not, upgrades could be created from the management viewpoint.
The most common discussion to Welch's idea is that supervisors need to handle - they must be aware of what's going on at all times. Welch's advice: rest. Let individuals execute. Obviously if there's a problem, you may have to put your manager's hat back on and go down to the resource of the problem. But by working on the greatest outcome and enabling individuals get there, you're motivating assurance and inspiration. You're also enabling a new number of management to appear.
Majed Alrukban

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