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قديم 05-30-2013, 01:37 AM
Thumbs up Free Download Advanced Installer 10.2

Free Download Advanced Installer 10.2

Advanced Installer is a very popular Windows Installer authoring tool. With its novice-friendly Graphical User Interface, every user can easily and fast create and maintain their own installation packages that can be compiled into EXE, MSI and other containers.
Advanced Installer is based on all the best known practices of creating Windows Installer packages, and it provides easy to use steps for their creation. Skillfully crafted interface provides easy access to all of its important functions, both for first time users and for professionals.
Creating your installer package can be done in just few minutes. By following few simple steps, you can define what files you want to use, enter information about installation process and by simply hitting Build button your package will be ready to use.
Advanced Installer Features:
Save on training costs
User friendly, completely GUI driven, with no scripts to learn, no databases to edit and no XML to write
Save time to market
Develop with wizards, import existing IDE projects, integrate into automated build tools and source control systems.
Save on development costs
Hundreds of powerful features ready to use with just a few mouse clicks. Tons of functionality configurable for your installers.
Reduce your support costs
Fewer number of incidents due to improper installers. Enjoy reliable installers crafted with obsessive attention to detail.
Save on additional tool purchases
Included updater, launcher, bootstrapper, trialware, serial validation, dialog editor, additional languages and countless others.
Increase customer satisfaction
Robust installers based on standard Windows Installer technology offering rollbacks, patches, autoupdates, etc.
Save on consulting
Advanced Installer's fanatical support team stands ready to help you with any installer questions you may have.
Save on migration tools
Leverage existing investments. Repackage older installers, import MSIs, WiX projects. Use open formats, avoid proprietary traps.

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