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قديم 06-06-2013, 01:15 AM
برنامج تأثيرات الكاميرا في آخر إصدار WebcamMax v Final


v Final

برنامج اضافات الماسنجر العملاق الذي ادهش الجميع بتاثيراته الخياليه
بواسطته تستطيع فتح الكاميرا واضافه التأثيرات وكذالك الكتابة على كاميرتك وأضافة اجمل التأثيرات وهو من افضل البرامج في هذا المجال لأحتوائه على كثير من مميزات ويدعم البرنامج أغلب البرامج المحادثة
MSN, ICQ, AIM, Skype, Paltalk, Camfrog, Yahoo Messenger and
وبه ايضا العديد والعديد من المميزات

WebCamMax - a program to work with a webcam. Program, which adds amazing video effects to all webcams, even without a real camera. The program can be used by default in applications such as ICQ, AIM, MSN, Camfrog, Skype, Paltalk, Yahoo, ANYwebcam, Stickam. You can configure WebcamMax Full so that she would begin to operate and maintain broadcast from the camera only when the lens will lock the movement.

Available 1000 spetsefektov (manufacturer's website), including television spots, water, mist, smiles, etc., scrolling text over video, a soft switch between multiple live feeds and stored, the use of one camera while running multiple programs, treatment of its own Image bargain appeal or other visual effects.

• The main purpose of the program - the empowerment of ordinary webcam.
• The application supports all interfaces, and software that is a function of video broadcast.
• With WebcamMax you can diversify a boring conversation.
• Supports more than 1000 spectacular different video effects.
• There is no need to configure the program. Just run Skype or other applications that include utility and insert the preferred effect. It looks pretty fun, but given the number of effects you can talk for hours and lively conversationalist.
• It is very convenient and simple interface. There is nothing to read or to look for - and there are sections effects.
• The effects are divided into categories. You can apply different filters to distort the image, add a set of virtual objects, use box, change the background, add animations, and much more. In addition, there is a section in which you can add your favorite animations.
• It also supports the ability to download from the developer additional effects.
• Simultaneous use of tools with multiple applications.
• You can configure the program to work while activity in the frame.
• You can also simply edit the color preferences for you coming from the image and save the settings in the template.


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