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قديم 06-10-2013, 03:55 PM
اقوى اداة تفعيل الويندوز Microsoft Activator Pack AIO 9 June 2013

( أهلا بكم زوار وأعضاء ومشرفين وإداريين )

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سيمتلئ موضوعي بكل يطيب به خواطركم ولا تحرموني من أناملكم حبراً وعطراً

Microsoft Activator Pack AIO 9th June 2013

اقوى اداة يمكنك من خلالها تفعيل الويندوز والاوفيس فهى تغنيك عن كافه السيريالات والكراكات التى قد تعمل او لا تعمل فهى اداة رائعه فعلا فى هذا المجال

Microsoft Activator Pack AIO (9th June 2013) Free Download

KMSAuto Automatic Activator v2 - KMS-activator for the operating systems Windows Vista, 7, Windows 8/Server, 2012, and Office 2010/2013 VL edition. Works without installation, activationperforms without leaving incriminating traces in the system, a folder with the settings of the deletes for a profile and you can easily change the PID. Based on Microsoft Toolkit 2.4.1 Stable from CODYQX4 (MDL). There is also a function of setting KMS-activator for everyday reactivation.

KMSpico v4 - fully automatic activator Windows and Office based on Microsoft Toolkits AutoKMS by CODYQX4. Universality (activates: Vista/7/8 Pro / Enter / N / VL; Office 2010/2013 Retail / VL; Server Std / Data 2008/2008R2/2012). Does not require the active participation of the user (just run). Simultaneous activation of the right and Windows, and Office.

KMScmd v2 - Automatic KMS-activator working from the command line, it is absolutely transparent to the user, for operating systems Windows Vista, 7, Windows 8/Server, 2012, and Office 2010/2013 VL edition. Works without installation, activation performs without leaving incriminating traces in the system makes it easy to change the PIDs and address of the KMS-server.

KMSAuto Automatic Activator v2 - Automatic KMS-activator for the operating systems Windows Vista, 7, Windows 8/Server 2012 and Office 2010/2013 VL wording. Works without installation, activation does not leave incriminating traces in the system, his file with the settings for a remove from the profile and allows you to easily change the PID. Based on Microsoft Toolkit 2.4.1 Stable from CODYQX4 (MDL). There is also a function of setting KMS-activator for everyday reactivation.

KMSpico v4 - fully automatic activator Windows and Office-based Microsoft Toolkits AutoKMS by CODYQX4. Versatility (activates: Vista/7/8 Pro / Enter / N / VL; Office 2010/2013 Retail / VL; Server Std / Data 2008/2008R2/2012). Does not require active participation of the user (just run). Simultaneous activation immediately and Windows, and Office.

KMScmd v2 - automatic KMS-Activator works from the command line, it is absolutely transparent to the user, for operating systems Windows Vista, 7, Windows 8/Server 2012 and Office 2010/2013 VL wording. Works without installation, activation does not leave incriminating traces in the system makes it easy to change the PIDs and address KMS-server.

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حجم البرنامج ميجا بايت
SIZE 126.37 MB

Author: Microsoft Activator Pack AIO
Date: 09/06/2013

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