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قديم 06-20-2013, 02:37 PM
عملاق اصلاح الأخطاء وتصليح الجهاز Uniblue Registry Booster 2013 v6.1.1.2 آخر اصدار

Uniblue Registry Booster 2013 v6.1.1.2

البرنامج التالى RegistryBooster 2 وهو من البرامج الشهيرة فى مجال اصلاح اخطاء

النظام حيث يسافر داخل اروقة النظام ليكشف الاخطاء ومن ثم يقوم باصلاحها وبعدها

يقوم بالغاء التجزئة ليضمن لنا جهاز مثالى

توكل على الله وحمل البرنامج

RegistryBooster is the easy answer to all your Windows registry problems. This award winning software starts by conducting a deep scan of your registry, checking for file extension errors and other registry conflicts. RegistryBooster will then repair or remove unused, corrupted and harmful files so optimizing your PC’s performance. You can then use regular scans to keep you registry structured and your PC speeding along at peak efficiency.

With RegistryBooster you’ll see immediate increases in performance and decreases in system conflicts. RegistryBooster is the safest and most trusted solution to clean and optimize your system, freeing it from registry errors and fragmented entries. Using advanced error detection technology, RegistryBooster automatically identifies missing, corrupt or possibly harmful items in your Windows registry, dramatically enhancing performance and general stability.

Have you noticed that the longer you have your computer, the slower it runs and the more it crashes? Often this is because whenever you install or uninstall software, add or remove hardware, or change your computer’s settings, the Windows registry is updated. These changes can leave the registry fragmented, with obsolete, corrupted and, in some cases, harmful files. Over time the registry starts to get bogged down and conflicts emerge. Left unchecked, your system will become increasingly unstable, run more slowly and crash more frequently.

One mouse click and our registry cleaner does the rest. And using RegistryBooster regularly keeps your PC free from errors and from obsolete, unused or unwanted files. RegistryBooster is trusted by specialist IT technicians and home PC users around the world to solve all their registry based performance problems.

• Clean Your System and Boost Performance. Boost system performance by cleaning out all missing, unwanted, obsolete and corrupt registry entries automatically with RegistryBooster.
• Repair Your PC and Keep It Tuned. Dramatically improve your computing experience by repairing all registry problems and minimizing application seizures and crashes.
• Exceptionally Simple to Use. Set in a highly intuitive, attractive, logical and user-friendly graphical user interface, Uniblue's registry cleaner sets the standard for ease-of-use.
• More Scanning Options. Due to the improvements made to the scanning engine you are now able to scan for more sections within the registry.
• An Ignore List. This is quite an innovative feature and very useful for those users who are extra cautious with their registry. By specifying the registry section and path the user will be able to exclude registry parts from the scan.
• Log Generation. Displays a transcript of all the actions performed on the registry by a particular fix operation. Especially helpful for those users wanting to know what has been done to their registry.
• Windows Vista Compatible. RegistryBooster is now fully Windows Vista compatible and can still be run on Windows XP. The program automatically adapts itself according to the version of your operating system so you do not have to configure any manual settings.
• Safe and Trusted. Avoid crashes, seizures, slow downs and error messages with the safest and most trusted solution from a leading software vendor.

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