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قديم 06-20-2013, 05:29 PM
برنامج الجافا في اصداه الجديد Java Runtime Environment 7.0 Update 25

Java Runtime Environment 7.0 Update 25

برنامج الجافا يعتبر من البرامج الأساسية لتشغيل الالعاب اون لاين على الانترنت ، والدردشة مع الناسِ حول العالم ، وعرض الصور ثلاثية الابعاد
تستعمل الشركات برامج جافا المحدودة أيضاً لتطبيقات الإنترنت وحلول الأعمال الإلكترونية الأخرى

Sun Java allows you to play online games, chat with people around the world, calculate your mortgage interest, and view images in 3D. These applications, written in the Java programming language and access from your browse, are called "applets". Corporations also use Java applets for intranet applications and other e-business solutions. Java is used by companies in all major industries. Whether deployed on cell phones, embedded devices, game consoles, laptops, or in datacenters, Java offers the rich user interface, performance, versatility, portability, and security that today’s networked applications require. Java Platform Standard Edition software is the premier platform for rapidly developing and deploying secure, portable applications that run on server and desktop systems spanning most operating systems. JRE contains the Java virtual machine, runtime class libraries, and Java application launcher that are necessary to run programs written in the Java programming language.


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