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قديم 07-02-2013, 09:01 PM
تحميل برنامج تشغيل الملفات الصوتية الرائع Kat Player في آخر اصداراته

تحميل برنامج تشغيل الملفات الصوتية الرائع Kat Player في آخر اصداراته

Kat Player

برنامج متقدم فى إدارة وتشغيل الملفات الصوتية يحتاجه الكثيرون على أجهزة الكمبيوتر الخاصة بهم , برنامج غاية في البساطة ويتميز بواجهته السهلة والمرنة ,
البرنامج يدعم تشغيل كل الإمتدادات الصوتية الشائعة مثل :

Kat Player is an advanced music manager and audio player to best fit the needs of all music lovers. Very permissive, it supports all popular formats including MP3, MP4, MPC, FLAC, OGG, WAV, WMA etc. Kat Player proposes an enjoyable and highly functional and customizable interface which you can actually dress up anyway you like according to mood and occasion. With this program you can create dynamic playlists to include favorite artists or albums by easily scanning all local drives and you can check play anytime the newest tracks or the most played songs. Kat PlayerA very smart feature is popping-up balloon tips while in system tray. Extra features offer advanced playlist manager with sequential or random play, FreeDB server support, a tag editing tool and a drag-and-drop window.

The Player bar is conveniently embedded into Windows taskbar therefore never crowding the desktop and user application windows being at the same time within reach. You can set it to automatically start in tray at Windows start up and synchronize directories on start up. You can also rate any song and when wishing to delete an unwanted file you can choose to do it either only from the library or even from your computer.

Kat Player | 13.9Mb

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