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قديم 08-10-2013, 12:00 AM
شغل العابك المفضله عن طريق يد التحكم مع برنامج Xpadder 2013.07.18 : تحميل مباشر

Xpadder 2013.07.18

البرنامج الرائع الذي يمكنك من ممارسه العابك المفضله بواسطه يد التحكم

معلومات هامه

1- ان لم يعمل البرنامج معك
فاضغط عليه بالزر الايمن واختر خصائص ثم التوافق واختر windows xp
2- هام جدا : لكي تعمل معك عصا التحكم L3 و R3 افصل اي جهاز اخر موصول عبر اليو اس بي مثل الهارد دسك والفلاشه او الطابعه او اي شيء اخر عدا سلك اليد.
3- بعض الالعاب (((وخصوصا الالعاب التي صدرت لها ايدي تحكم خاصه مثل MW3 ))) لن تعمل معها اي طريقه او برنامج عادي.

Xpadder - a program to simulate keystrokes and mouse movements using the gamepad. Thus, xpadder can use the joystick, even in those games, where its use is not provided. In addition, the joystick can be played in DOS-and online games, and manage players, web browsers and other programs.
Xpadder allows you to assign mouse and keyboard keys to any gamepad buttons. Why do you want? Well, imagine if the game does not support gamepads or supports it is not very good (some Devil May Cry 3 and Resident Evil 4 - living examples of this, and so forth). Old games in general, so ignore the polls these devices (drive in Carmageddon on gamepad - a pleasure). Or, say, manage media player through a wireless gamepad, lying on the couch, also very convenient.
Supports more than 120 Joystick issued within the last 3-5 years.

What does Xpadder let you do:
- Play PC games with poor or no gamepad support
- Add gamepad support to emulated, internet and DOS games
- Play multiplayer games with each player using a gamepad
- Control video / music players using their shortcut keys
- Use a gamepad with a browser or any Windows program

Technical details:
- Supports Windows XP, Vista, 7 and 8
- Works on both 32 and 64 bit versions of Windows
- Full keyboard and mouse emulation
- Supports up to 16 controllers at the same time (multiplayer)
- Rumble (force feedback) and advanced fine-tuning options
- Create and share any layout for any controller
- Multiple profile management using sharable files
- Designed for gamepads, joysticks, arcade sticks
- Also steering wheels, dance mats, drum kits, guitars ...

Size : 1.2 Mb


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اعد احياء 5 من العابك المفضله حور العين أرشيف المواضيع الغير مكتمله او المكرره او المنقوله و المخالفه 142 07-11-2008 07:46 PM

الساعة الآن 03:46 AM.

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