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قديم 08-23-2013, 06:45 PM
برنامج عمل فورمات للهارد ديسك نهائيآ Clean Disk Security 8.04 + التفعيل

Clean Disk Security 8.04


برنامج Clean Disk Security يدعى او ملقب بقاتل الآثـر في جميع الانظمه
من خصائص عمل البرنامج هو من البرامج المتخصصة فى تنظيف الجهاز من خلال ازالة الاثار مع ضمان مدى الحياة بعدم استعادة
اى شي قد قمت بحذفه. وأنصح الجميع بستخدامه ليجعل الكمبيوتر خفيف وفارغ من الملفات المتراكمه من الانترنت وغيرها من الاثار

This program gives you secure file deletion, making sure that deleted files cannot be undeleted again. Deleting a file normally just removes the file's directory entry, but the data itself remains on the disk. This program completely eliminates the contents of deleted files. The highly acclaimed Gutmann disk cleaning method is now available as an option. This program can also clean the Window's swap file, and can optionally clean unneeded temporary files from your hard disk, such as your Internet browser cache, files in your system's Recycle Bin, and can clear the "recent files" list. Comes with a direct disk viewer for discovering exactly what is on your hard disk.

• Secure file deletion.
• Make already-deleted files unrecoverable. Clean free disk space.
• Wipe Internet browser cache, browsing history, and ******s (from Internet Explorer, Firefox, etc).
• Wipe lists of names of recently used files, URLs, and email addresses.
• Wipe the Windows swap file.
• Hundreds of plugins included to wipe the tracks of hundreds of different applications, such as Windows Media Player, Emule, Paintshop, etc.
• Removes unneeded temporary files, releasing more disk space.
• Special support for Firefox and Windows Vista.
• Create your own plugins to clean anything you like using the accompanying Plugin Editor.
• Direct Disk Viewer so you can see exactly what is on your disk.
• 100% Spyware FREE. (NO spyware, adware, or viruses).

الحجم : 3 ميجا
التفعيل مرفق مع البرنامج


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